
Year after year


2. What season is it?

autumn [ˈɔːtəm]

3. Months of the Year

4. What season is it?

1. It’s not very cold, but it’s raining. Sometimes it’s
2. It’s very hot and the sun is shining.
3. It’s very cold and it’s snowing. Sometimes it’s windy.
4. It’s warm and the sun is shining.

5. Listen to the song and say what children do in different seasons.


6. New words

swim in the pool
go camping
have a barbecue
go hiking
make a snowman
go skiing
ride a bike
go on a picnic
play in the park
• pick flowers
• play in the snow
• rake leaves
• go swimming

7. Tell about the season

It is …………………………..
……… months are ………, ……….., and ………..
It’s ……….. in …………. .
Children ………. and ………… in ………..

8. p.87, ex.4

• Where can you see this text: in a magazine, in a newspaper, on a
computer screen?
• How many people are online? What are their names?
• Where are they?
What is the weather like in Scotland?
What is the weather like in Switzerland?
What season is it in Australia?
What is Nemo doing now?

9. Find phrases which mean:

I am tired of
It doesn’t suit me
How are you doing?
• I’m fed up with
• That’s not my kind of
• How are things going for

10. What’s the weather like today?

It’s a lovely / beautiful day!
It’s warm!
It’s very hot.
It’s fabulous!
It’s awful!
It’s terrible!
It’s freezing!
It’s cold!

11. Home task

1. Выписать в словарь названия времен года, месяцев, фразы из
упр. 7, стр. 87.
2. Написать короткие рассказы о временах года (см. слайд 7 из
3. Научиться хорошо читать текст стр. 87, упр. 4.
4. Выполнить упражнения (см. файл в ЭПОС).
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