23 languages are considered official languages in India
It is prohibited by law to export Indian rupees outside India
India is the birthplace of chess
The International Mango Festival is held annually in New Delhi, the capital of India
India is a nuclear power
There are more poor people in 8 Indian states than in 26 poor African countries
The first rocket in India was transported by bicycle
There is an elephant spa in India
India has the most vegetarians
India - the first country in the world to start consuming sugar
Diamonds were first mined in India
Even the poor people of India usually arrange lavish weddings, which can gather over a thousand guests
Incense is very popular in India
Категория: ГеографияГеография



2. 23 languages are considered official languages in India

3. It is prohibited by law to export Indian rupees outside India


A widow in India is
credited with bad
otherwise her
husband would not
have died!

5. India is the birthplace of chess

6. The International Mango Festival is held annually in New Delhi, the capital of India

7. India is a nuclear power

8. There are more poor people in 8 Indian states than in 26 poor African countries

9. The first rocket in India was transported by bicycle

10. There is an elephant spa in India

11. India has the most vegetarians

12. India - the first country in the world to start consuming sugar

13. Diamonds were first mined in India

14. Even the poor people of India usually arrange lavish weddings, which can gather over a thousand guests

15. Incense is very popular in India

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