Похожие презентации:
Georgian Cities Online Course
1. Georgian Cities Online Course
level = C1
Semester 2
2. Online learning
• Benefit: flexible timetable withineach week
• You should however set yourself
a regular schedule in order to
3. Course objectives
• Practice of academic English at high level:definition of C1= ‘user can produce clear, wellstructured, detailed text on complex subjects,
showing controlled use of organisational
patterns …’
• Knowledge of British culture, based on
examples from urban history, literature and
arts in the 18th century.
4. The course is based on a website and on a learning platform:
1) Georgian Cities website2) learning platform: moodle
Texts, images and audio
on cities – the urban
environment, literary
descriptions, social life,
religion, the arts, sciences …
contains exercises to be handed in via moodle
Always keep both the website and moodle open!
5. 1) Georgian Cities website http://www.18thc-cities.paris-sorbonne.fr
• The fan opens on to theintroduction page which offers
scrolling menus on the various
cities: Bath, London…
• Below, the pointer is scrolling
down the Bath menu, leading to …
6. … a map of the city with hot spots on important buildings …
67. … descriptions of buildings with hyperlinks to the title of a novel…
78. … leading to an extract of the novel
89. 2) Homework on moodle
• a guide: ‘User’s guide’• the present slideshow ‘Presentation in English/in French’
• introductory videos to the course
10. in the Guide:
Key to the icons:• ‘assignment’:
a paper to be
‘handed in’
• and other icons
for the other
types of
exercises (quiz,
11. 12 ‘Units’ - each corresponding to a topic (architecture, society, literature, science…)
Example of a ‘Unit’ onmoodle (‘Man a
machine and
illustrating the theme
A summary of the main
points in the
12. Example of a ’Unit’ on moodle (continued)
Example of a ’Unit’ on moodle (continued)Learning objectives
Exercises to be handed in, with deadline
13. Use of Sorbonne-Université online resources: primo.sorbonne-universite.fr (password)
• Some assignments require you to practise oure-library
• Main resources:
– LION (Literature Online): a full-text database
– ECCO: full-text for 18th-century works
– JSTOR: articles from periodicals in humanities and
social sciences
– Dictionaries:
• The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) – giving examples
of words in historical context
• Oxford Art Online: definitions of terms in history of art 13
14. Example of search in OED:
1415. Assessment:
a) 8 ‘assignments’,• from 8 different Units of your choice, out of
the 12 Units
• In each Unit, choose one of the ’assignments’
16. Assignments (ctd)
• at least 300 words.• formats: *.pdf, *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf, *.odt –
pdf preferred. Do not submit two formats.
– for certain assignments, an oral answer is possible
via Panopto
• bibliographical references are necessary: see
slideshow ‘Works Cited’
17. Works Cited
At the end of the User’s Guide, see the slideshow withaudio comments on bibliographical conventions
b) Other exercises:• Quizzes : answer 10 quizzes of your choice
• Databases : contribute one entry to one of the
two databases (your choice), with ‘Comment’
field of at least 100 words
• Forums : contribute to debates in one forum
(your choice), at least 100 words (put forward a
new argument or reply to a previous participant)
19. Criteria for grading
• knowledge of the topic and accuracy• quality and level of English
– breadth of vocabulary
– grammar and style
• choice of documentation of academic level,
sources being systematically referenced
• in the list of web sources, please provide active
links opening immediately when the paper is
20. Academic English
• A ‘grammar toolkit’ is included in the User’sGuide, pointing out the most frequently found
mistakes to be avoided.
21. Grading
a) Each of the 8 Assignments is marked out of 20- total of the 8 assignments =160
22. Grading (continued)
b) Other exercises:• Quizzes: total of 10 Quizzes out of 20 (each quiz
out of 2 - for a quiz with 4 questions, each question=0,5)
• Database: out of 10
• Forum: out of 10
- total of the exercises = 40
23. Grading (end)
Grand total= 160+40= 200so final mark out of 20.
24. Calendar
It is strongly recommended• to follow the weekly calendar corresponding
to the 12 Units in handing in the homework,
• to read the feedback given by the grading
teacher for the previous assignment in order
to improve the following ones
• and to set yourself a weekly timetable.
(If exceptionally you are late to hand your paper in, please
mention it by an email to your grading teacher).
25. Look for documents!
2526. Contacts
• You may always ask for guidance:Liliane.Gallet-Blanchard@sorbonne-universite.fr
• Do not forget to read the messages in your
Sorbonne mailbox: