Each and Every
EACH. What it means?
If you still don’t understand, I’ll show how it works. Let’s imagine these X’s is a person or thing.
Each is more usual for a small number
It more usual for a large number
Similarity between “each” and “every”
Features of “Each”
Features of “Every”
What did we learn?
The end
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Each and Every

1. Each and Every

Erjan Nahanov. Desingn-130
Checked by: Asel Ahmetovna

2. EACH. What it means?

We use each when we think of things
separately, one by one.
Each of them wears sunglass and a black suit.

3. If you still don’t understand, I’ll show how it works. Let’s imagine these X’s is a person or thing.

Got it?

4. Each is more usual for a small number

There’s a five pencils on the
table. Each pencil has a
different color.
At the beginning of the
game(Durak), each player
has a six cards.


We us every when we think of things as a group.
The meaning is similar to all.
Every car has a steering wheel. (all cars in general)

6. Again…

Easy, huh?

7. It more usual for a large number

Kate loves reading. She has
read every book in the
Derek is a traveler. He visited
every state of America.

8. Similarity between “each” and “every”

Sometimes, each and every are similar in meaning.
Often it’s possible to use each or every
Each/Every time I see you, you look different
There’s a telephone in every/each room of the house

9. Features of “Each”

Each(but not every) can be used for two things
Each football team has a eleven players.

10. Features of “Every”

We use every (not each) to say how often
something happens.
How often do you eat a fast
food? EVERY DAY!
There’s a bus every ten

11. What did we learn?

• Sometimes, Each and Every are similar
in meaning
• “Each” occurs when we think of things
• “Every” is similar to all, everything

12. The end

I hope you enjoyed this presentation
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