Похожие презентации:
How to write an essay
How to write an essay ** Essay – a short piece of writing on a particular subject (= article,
composition, paper, study)
2. What do you think? Men are better cooks than women.
Agree or disagree with the statement above.Think about the arguments. Name at least 2 arguments ‘for’ and 1 argument
‘against and formulate your own opinion.
Due to this opinion, give counterarguments against the arguments of your
opponent. Make a conclusion.
Согласитесь либо не согласитесь со следующими высказываниями. Подумайте, какие могут
быть аргументы. Назовите не менее 2 аргументов «за» и 1 аргумента «против» и
сформулируйте собственное мнение. Исходя из этого мнения, дайте контраргументы против
аргументов оппонента. Сделайте вывод.
3. Men are better cooks than women.
They say that men are better at cooking whereas some people areagainst this view.
Name 2 arguments ‘for’ and 1 argument ‘against.
I agree that a lot of men cook well.
Firstly, in most top restaurants let alone Michlen ones, the chef is
a man.
Years ago cooking was not a man’s forte (['fɔ:t(e)ɪ] –
преимущество; сильная сторона) but today men are getting
better at it.
They have skillfully mastered the art of preparing mouthwatering dishes.
Secondly, males are more adventurous in the kitchen.
They are perfectionists [pə'fekʃ(ə)nɪsts] .
When it comes to cooking, they apply all their creativity and
knowledge on the subject and try to invent something new.
5. _
In contrast, some people claim that women cook betterbecause they cook every day for their families.
I cannot agree with the opinion above.
I am sure, men are much better at cooking.
It is not a new phenomenon, as men have been slaving in the
kitchen since the 14th century.
A French chef Guillaume Tirel (Гийом Тирель – повар
королевского двора средневековой Франции) was the head
chef from 1326 to Philip VI.
6. What do you think? Men are better cooks than women.
+They say that men are better at cooking whereas some people are against
this view.
I agree that a lot of men cook well. Firstly, in most top restaurants let
alone Michlen ones the chef is a man. Years ago cooking was not a man’s
forte (['fɔ:t(e)ɪ] – преимущество; сильная сторона) but today men are getting
better at it. They have skillfully mastered the art of preparing mouth-watering
Secondly, males are more adventurous in the kitchen. They are
perfectionists. When it comes to cooking, they apply all their creativity and
knowledge on the subject and try to invent something new.
In contrast, some people claim that women cook better because they cook
every day for their families.
I cannot agree with the opinion above. I am sure, men are much better
at cooking. It is not a new phenomenon, as men have been slaving in the
kitchen since the 14th century. A French chef Guillaume Tirel (Гийом Тирель –
повар королевского двора средневековой Франции) was the head chef from 1326 to
Philip VI.
In conclusion, I want to underline that men are inventive cooks, they put
much fun and love when cooking.