What are they doing now?
What are they doing now?
Complete the table with “make”, “do”
Now translate the sentences from Russian into English:
‘’ Negotiate with your parents’’
Obligation: have to/ don’t have to… Обязательство
HAVE TO…(должен, вынужден, приходиться..)
Fill the gaps with: have to, don't have to, has to, doesn't have to.
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Household chores. Have to


Class 8
Презентация к разделу 8,
авторы УМК Ю.А.Комарова и др.

2. Vocabulary:

1. round of duties – круг обязанностей
2.to share household chores – делить домашние
3.responsibility - обязанность, ответственность
4.to dust - вытирать пыль
5.to sweep the floor - подметать пол
6.to do the laundry – стирать бельё
7.to upload/empty a dishwasher
8.to clear the table - убирать со стола
9.to do spring and fall cleaning – делать
генеральную уборку

3. What are they doing now?

4. What are they doing now?

5. Complete the table with “make”, “do”

the ironing, the bed, spring and fall
cleaning, the shopping, the washing up,
dinner, the vacuuming, a cake,
the laundry, breakfast, homework

6. Now translate the sentences from Russian into English:

1. Каждое утро я заправляю кровать.
2. Мой брат выбрасывает мусор вечером.
3. Я не люблю гладить бельё.
4. Мама обычно готовит ужин, а я помогаю ей
мыть посуду.
5. Ты должен убирать свою комнату каждый день.
6. Давай сходим за покупками.
7. Легче пропылесосить, чем мыть полы.
8. Если ты загрузишь посудомоечную машину, я
помогу тебе сделать домашнее задание.

7. ‘’ Negotiate with your parents’’

New words and phrases:
To argue – спорить
An argument - спор, ссора
To be in- быть дома
To stay out late - не возвращаться домой поздно
No way- ни в коем случае
Fair- справедливый
To get your own way- поступать по своему
To promise to …- обещать
until 11 o’clock…- до 11часов …
by 11 o’clock…- к 11 часам…

8. Obligation: have to/ don’t have to… Обязательство

have to.. /has to …(external obligation -внешнее)
e.g. I have to go in 5 minutes.
She has to go to bed at 10p.m. on school nights.
Don’t/ doesn’t have to V
Must (personal obligation)
e.g. I must try harder at school.
Mustn’t (prohibition - запрет)

9. HAVE TO…(должен, вынужден, приходиться..)

+ I, we, you, they - have to go home
he, she, it - has to go home
- I, we, you, they – don’t have to go
he, she, it - doesn’t have to go home
? Do I, we, you, they have to go home?
Does he, she, it have to go home?

10. Fill the gaps with: have to, don't have to, has to, doesn't have to.

1. We ______ go to school every day, but _____
go to school on Sunday.
2. My brother and I _______ make breakfast. Our
mum makes it.
3. Mum _______ go shopping. Dad goes shopping
twice a week.
4. Dad _____ wash our car at the weekends.
5. Mom ______ drive to work. She walks.
6. We _______ wear a school uniform, it's dark
7. I _______ get up early on weekdays, but I _____
get up early on Sunday.
8. I ________ do my homework every day.
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