Похожие презентации:
Zhuruntayeva AruzhanShantas Ainur
• The validity of the study is the compliance of theexperimental base, chosen by the author of the
work, with the generally accepted standards,
allowing to achieve an impeccable result in the
search for a solution to the problem. Compliance of
the results of experiments with the goal of the study
is determined by the degree of validity
What characterizes the validity of theindicator in the study?
• When conducting research, it is important to achieve a result
that is as close as possible to an impeccable experiment. If
the result of practical work comes close to compliance with
established scientific standards, it has high validity
• There are two categories of validity:
Internal validity is an indicator thatreflects the reliability of the
conclusions obtained after a number of
real experimental studies in
comparison with the results of "ideal"
experiments applicable to the same
scientific field. It is the main
requirement put forward to the results
of experiments.
External validity is the reliability of the
results of the study compared with the
results of experiments aimed at full
compliance with the “perfect” result.
To increase external validity, the
introduction of additional variables
will help to achieve an experimental
level corresponding to the real level of
similar variables in the scientific field
under study.
Threats to internal, external validitysubjective prejudices of the
experimenter (unwillingness
to take into account the
details, incorrect accounting
of the results obtained,
inaccuracy/inattention, etc.).
the interaction of
several factors that
directly affect
internal validity;
unstable results due
to the high level of
error of the selected
The main factors
affecting the
indicators of
internal validity:
background events
natural temporal
changes inherent in
the object/subject
of research;
incorrectly selected
What threats reduce the level ofexternal validity?
The interaction of poor-quality selection of
research materials and the selection of a
methodological base for them.
Reactive effect, as a change in the
susceptibility of the subject of research
after preliminary testing.
Mutual interference that occurs after the
simultaneous impact of several research
methods on one object.
Validity and reliability ofexperimental methods
The reliability of the experimental methods carried
out by the author confirms the truth of the results
Validity reflects the degree to which the results of
the study correspond to the phenomenon under
study in the chosen scientific field.
Any valid study is, by default, reliable, but
reliable research is not always valid.
Reliability as a stable component of areliable experiment
• Reliability (reproducibility, stability of the results of the
experiment) is the ability to reproduce the results of the study in
similar real conditions with a correlation of initial / final
What determines the reliability of the experiments?
• The main characteristic of reliability is the obtaining of the same
results in the repeated conduct of similar experiments. If all
conditions are met correctly, the research methodology is credible.
Principles of interaction betweenvalidity and reliability in the choice of
research methods
• The principles of the interaction of reliability with validity
are based on three main methods for establishing the
reliability of the chosen methodological base.
I. The method of repeated experiment. The essence of the
method is the repeated carrying out of the same
experiments with the same devices and the comparison of
the final results of the study in relation to the object /
phenomenon / event under consideration.
II. Alternative form method. It can be performed in two
interpretations: one experiment is applied to several
groups of objects, a combination of experiments is applied
to one phenomenon.
III. Subsampling method. To conduct a comprehensive study,
one or more objects are grouped into separate samples
with similar properties and characteristics.