
Задание 38: вопросы и мифы


Задание 38:
вопросы и мифы


Количество опрошенных / доля …
• «В данной pie chart проценты - это количество опрошенных?
В прошлом году много было обсуждений, что это все-таки
доля в процентах, то есть один и тот же опрашиваемый
мог выбрать две или три опции.»


Факты vs Опции в опросе
• Сколько опций нужно / можно упоминать во 2-м абзаце?
• “Почему во втором абзаце прокомментированы все данные, когда в
задании сказано отобрать 2-3 факта?»
• Что такое факты?


• There are different approaches to staying healthy. The aim of my project is to examine how
people living in Zetland maintain their health. As part of my project, I found a pie chart with
some results of relevant opinion polls and analyzed them. In this essay, I will describe my
findings and express my opinion on the subject of the project.
• Overall, according to the pie chart, the respondents do five important things to live a
healthy life. About half of those polled (42%) avoid eating fast food. Almost a quarter
(24%) stick to a balanced diet and another 22% do sports. The rest of them get to bed
early and do morning exercises, at 10% and 2% respectively.
• Interestingly, doing sports is 20% more frequently cited by the respondents than doing
morning exercises. This is probably because these people, like many others, are too busy to
do sports activities in the morning and prefer to exercise in the afternoon or in the evening.
• Although doing sports is a very popular way to keep fit and maintain health, it is not
without its flaws. One problem with this approach is that sports activities can be very
demanding and even cause injuries. An effective solution to this problem is to train under
the supervision of experienced sports coaches, follow certain rules and take some
• In conclusion, I would like to say that although some approaches to maintaining health are
associated with problems, it is very important to look after oneself and do one’s best to live
healthily. I have no doubt about it / I think so because good health is the key to a happy
and productive life.




• «Евгения Сергеевна, спасибо большое за ваш труд, проходила у вас обучение не один
раз! Но сегодня у меня есть один вопрос, который меня волнует ...Второй абзац в
эссе можно начинать с OVERALL , но у нас в регионе некоторые эксперты считают
это ошибкой и просят заменить на According to the statistics.... Как им доказать, что
можно употреблять и overall?»



Percentage points
• “Вопрос по 3 абзацу, видела такой вариант, что если писать на
сколько чаще что-либо выбрано, то нужно писать не %, а percentage
points, если писать проценты, то надо сравнить пропорции 2 и 22 .”


Problem + Solution
• «Впервые увидела формулировку "... can arise with some APPROACHES to
staying healthy". Мне кажется, тут нужно рассматривать подход
ШИРЕ, а не просто свести проблему к спорту/ здоровой еде.»
• «В принципе у нас же нет задачи назвать подход? Задача назвать
проблему с некоторыми подходами. И мне почему-то упорно кажется,
что тут опасно менять множественное число на единственное. Как
если в интервью задали вопрос: что любят некоторые подростки, и
человек отвечает, что любит лично он, потому что он же


• «Можно ли в заключении писать I would like to say …?»
• “Согласно плану, автор должен эксплицитно выразить свое мнение. Если
автор прямо не указывает, что мнение принадлежит ему, то такой ответ
не принимается (-).”


1-й вариант
There are different approaches to staying healthy. The aim of my
project is to examine how people living in Zetland maintain their
health. As part of my project, I found a pie chart with some results
of relevant opinion polls and analyzed them. In this essay, I will
describe my findings and express my opinion on the subject of the
Overall, according to the pie chart, the respondents do five
important things to live a healthy life. About half of those polled
(42%) avoid eating fast food. Almost a quarter (24%) stick to a
balanced diet and another 22% do sports. The rest of them get to
bed early and do morning exercises, at 10% and 2% respectively.
Interestingly, doing sports is 20% more frequently cited by the
respondents than doing morning exercises. This is probably
because these people, like many others, are too busy to do sports
activities in the morning and prefer to exercise in the afternoon or
in the evening.
Although doing sports is a very popular way to keep fit and maintain
health, it is not without its flaws. One problem with this approach is
that sports activities can be very demanding and even cause
injuries. An effective solution to this problem is to train under the
supervision of experienced sports coaches, follow certain rules and
take some precautions.
In conclusion, I would like to say that although some approaches to
2-й вариант
The aim of my project is to examine how people living in
maintain their health. As part of my project, I found a pie cha
some results of relevant opinion polls and analyzed them.
essay, I will describe my findings and express my opinion
subject of the project. (the importance of … )
According to the pie chart, about half of those who were
(42%) avoid eating fast food. Almost a quarter of those su
(24%) stick to a balanced diet and another 10% get to bed ea
Interestingly, doing sports is 20% more frequently cited
respondents than doing morning exercises, at 22% a
respectively. This is probably because these people, like
others, are too busy to do sports activities in the morni
prefer to exercise in the afternoon or in the evening.
One problem with doing sports as an approach to staying he
that sports activities can be very demanding and even
injuries. An effective solution to this problem is to train un
supervision of experienced sports coaches, follow certain ru
take some precautions.
In conclusion, I believe that it is very important to look after
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