1. What do the British really eat? 2. What does the traditional English breakfast consists of? 3. What time do the British have

British and American cuisine


State Educational Institution of Higher Education
University of Technology
Department of Foreign Languages
British and American Cuisine


British Food

3. 1. What do the British really eat? 2. What does the traditional English breakfast consists of? 3. What time do the British have

1. What do the British really eat?
2. What does the traditional English breakfast consists of?
3. What time do the British have lunch?
4. What do they have for lunch?
5. What does convenience food mean?
6. When do they have their main meal?
7. What do people have for dinner?
8. Do they have dinner at home or do they go out?
9. From how many countries does London have restaurants?
10. What do British teenagers really like?
11. How many servings of fish and chips do British people eat a year?


American Food


1. Enumerate all dishes which were mentioned in the film.
1. Clam chowder – чаудер из крупных морских моллюсков
2. Bagel and lox – бублик с лососиной
3. Deep-Dish Pizza – пицца по-чикагски (пицца на толстом корже в
глубокой форме для выпекания)
4. Drop biscuits - печенье, которое выкладывается на противень с ложки,
без формовки
5. Sausage gravy – колбасная подлива
6. Lard – свиное сало, жир, шпик
7. Buttermilk – кислое молоко, простокваша
8. Flaky scone – cлоеная булочка
9. Hominy grits – кукурузная крупа, мамалыга
10. Tacos – горячая свёрнутая маисовая лепёшка с начинкой, тако
11. To stoke up – подогревать, поддерживать огонь, разжечь огонь
12. To stuff – фаршировать
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