Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Animal habitats


Do you know what this is?
This is the Earth – the planet where we live. Our
planet is always happy when it’s clean and
What colour is it?
What is this blue area? Think about different
things that can be blue.
It’s water. Oceans and seas cover more than
half of our planet.
What is this green and brown area? It’s land the part of our planet’s surface that is not
covered by water.
Who and what lives on the Earth?
People, animals, plants.


These are the colours of our planet Earth.
Some of them represent water, some of them land. Can you guess what the white colour
Rocky mountains
Sand and dry land
Snow and frozen water
Water – oceans, seas, rivers
White represents snow - snowy land and frozen water.
Trees and other plants on land


Do you know all these animals? I know that this is a … .
This is a …
Can you see our
little planet Earth?
Where is it hiding?
Do they all live in one place?
No, they don’t. They live in different habitats. A habitat is a place where animals and plants live.


There are lots of different habitats. Forest is a habitat for some animals.
Jungle… Desert… Sea/Ocean… Antarctic/Arctic. Where is the … ?


Let’s send these animals home to their habitats.
…lives in …
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