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My Institute is my Pride. Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship


National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University named
after N.I. Lobachevsky. Institute of Economics and
My Institute is my Pride.
Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship
The work was prepared by 1st year students
Agapova Julia and Shvetsova Julia


Good afternoon, dear participants of the conference. Our aim
for today’s presentation is to give you information about the
activities our Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship
(IEP) of the Lobachevsky University at the international


Now Russian education is part of the international educational system; we
monitor global educational trends and strive to compete.
UNN successfully implements a program to increase competitiveness among
leading research and educational institutions. The successful participation of the
university in the rankings of higher educational institutions of the world and in
international scientific and educational projects, the high creative potential of
scientists and students allows UNN to be called the leading university of Russia


My institute is my pride because it has such a huge international
development strategy. The international activities of the Institute of
Economics and Entrepreneurship (IEE) are carried out in accordance
with the University's Competitiveness Improvement Program. Its goal
is to establish and develop stable ties with foreign educational
institutions, strengthen international cooperation in the educational and
scientific fields, and introduce advanced educational technologies.


The geography of international cooperation
of the IEE is constantly growing and
expanding. The Institute has strong ties
with universities in Italy, France, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, the Netherlands, the
USA and some other countries. IEE
international projects and programs, such
as TEMPUS and ERASMUS, which
allows to increase the mobility of students
and staff, access to information resources,
increase the impact of research and the
effectiveness of training. As part of the
implementation of international programs,
students, postgraduates and teachers of the
Institute regularly undergo training,
internships and advanced training at
foreign universities. Various grants are
available for teachers and students.
International and network programs:


Within the framework of international cooperation, we create
modern educational programs in Russian and English, organize
international conferences, seminars and symposiums, strengthen
cultural ties, develop and enrich the cultural life of the university as
a whole.


The IEE lectures well-known scientists from the USA, Italy, Germany
and other countries, and Russian teachers give lectures abroad. The
Institute participates in various international educational programs.
Teachers prepare students to participate in international competitions.
The Institute attracts many international students who study in
Russian and English.


Our institute implements programs of additional professional
education for students, postgraduates, teachers of graduate
students "Translator in the field of professional
communication" and "Practical business English", which gives
us ample opportunities in our future profession.


Thanks for your attention! We will be
glad to see you at our university.
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