Категория: ИскусствоИскусство

Yamakasi: Freedom in movement


Freedom in
Completed students: Nonko Denis,
Asanali Dzhaparov, Mishenin


Hello everyone! Today, we would
like to talk to you about the film
Movement," which was released in
2001. This film made a great
impact in the film industry as it
was based on the new sport of
parkour. Today, we will take a
closer look at how this film blends
the facts and fiction.


• Firstly, what is Yamakasi? It is a new
form of parkour created by a group
of young people in France in the
late 90s. The idea was to use
movements from gymnastics and
athletics to overcome obstacles on
urban streets and buildings. This
fact was incorporated into the film,
where the main characters used
parkour techniques to move around
the city.


Yamakasi Group
• The Yamakasi group is a fact-based
part of the film, as these young
men were the founders of this new
sport. They became real stars
because of their fantastic
movements and tricks, which were
incorporated into the film
portraying their real-life journey.


Plot of the Film
• The plot of the film "Yamakasi:
Freedom in Movement" tells the story
of six young men who seek to break
free from the restrictions and
conformity imposed by society. This is
a fictional part of the film in which
the characters use their skills in
parkour to not only overcome
physical obstacles but also to move
freely around the city.


Parkour in Action
• The parkour movements seen
in the film are based on the
fact that parkour was used to
overcome obstacles in real-life
settings such as urban streets
and buildings. However, some
of the parkour sequences in
the film are fictional as they
are not real-life situations.


The Six Main Characters
• The six main characters in the
film were fictional, but their
abilities in Yamakasi were based
on the real-life abilities of the
founders of the sport. It is
interesting to note how the film
blends the fictional characters
with the real-life inspiration
behind the sport.


Message of the Film
• The message of the film "Yamakasi:
Freedom in Movement" is based on
fact as it encourages viewers to
strive to break free from the
limitations that society often
imposes. However, the fictional part
of the film is the portrayal of
Yamakasi as a means to achieve this


Impact of the Film
• The film "Yamakasi: Freedom in Movement" had a significant
impact on the world of parkour, as it introduced this new sport
to a wider audience. The film inspired many young people to
take up parkour and join communities to practice the sport.
Moreover, it paved the way for other films and documentaries,
including "Free Running," and "Jump London," which further
popularized the sport and depicted its evolution over time. The
impact of "Yamakasi" continues to be felt today, with the sport of
parkour being recognized and accepted in many parts of the


• In conclusion, the film "Yamakasi:
Freedom in Movement" is a great
example of how films can blend the
facts and fiction to create a story. The
fact that it is based on a real sport
makes it a unique viewing
experience. The blending of fact and
fiction has resulted in a film that can
inspire viewers while also
entertaining them.
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