
All About Christmas


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It is Christmas Time!
What do you know about Christmas?
Can you tell a friend about this
Christmas photo?
Do you know
any facts about


What is Christmas?
Christmas is a festival.
It is celebrated in lots of places
around the world.
Many Christians celebrate Christmas to
remember the birth of Jesus.
Christmas can be celebrated
in lots of different ways.
Do you celebrate Christmas?


When is Christmas?
Christmas is usually celebrated in December.
Many people celebrate Christmas Day on
the 25th of December.
Some people celebrate the weeks before
Christmas during a time called Advent.
I have an advent
calendar! Each day I open
a little door on the
calendar to count the days
until Christmas Day.


Christian Celebrations
As part of Christmas celebrations, some
people go to church.
Church services often include a retelling of
the story of the birth of Jesus.
Christmas carols are sung. These are special
songs often based on the Christmas story.
My family go to church for
Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve.


The story of the birth of Jesus is sometimes
called the Nativity.
It describes baby Jesus being born in a
stable in Bethlehem.
Nativity sets showing the story events
are sometimes displayed.
At Christmas time, children sometimes
perform in Nativity shows.
Can you guess which character I
am playing in my Nativity show?


Many people like to decorate their homes as
part of Christmas celebrations.
Churches, shops and schools are often
decorated too.
Christmas trees can be displayed and
decorated with lights, tinsel and baubles.
What can you see at the top
of this Christmas tree?


Cards and Presents
Lots of people like to send
Christmas cards to their
friends and family.
People often give Christmas presents
to their friends and family too.
We are writing some Christmas
cards for our friends. Do you like
to send Christmas cards?


Father Christmas
Father Christmas flies around the world
on Christmas Eve, delivering presents
to children.
Father Christmas is also known as Santa,
Papa Noel or Saint Nicholas.
Some families like to visit Father Christmas
and his elves.
It is traditional for children to write letters to Father Christmas.


Christmas Dinner
Lots of different foods are eaten during
Christmas celebrations.
Some people like to get together with their family
and friends to have a Christmas dinner.
Christmas dinner may include roast turkey,
puddings, roast vegetables, and gravy.
My favourite part of Christmas
dinner is the roast vegetables!


Christmas Foods
These are some other foods that are sometimes
eaten during Christmas celebrations.
I made some gingerbread
cookies! What is your
favourite food?
chocolate log
mince pies
candy canes


Christmas Traditions
Lots of people have their own Christmas
traditions that they like to do each year.
What Christmas traditions
do you like to do?
pulling Christmas
visits from a
cheeky elf
wearing Christmas
wearing Christmas
Christmas lights
carol singing


Fun Facts
Each year, the country of Norway sends a
Christmas tree to be displayed in Trafalgar
Square in London.
The first Christmas card was sent in 1843
in London.
Electric Christmas lights were first used to decorate
trees in the late 1800s. Before this, candles were used.
The Christmas carol,
‘Jingle Bells’, was the first
song to be played in space.
Can you tell a friend
something you found out
about Christmas?
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