Похожие презентации:
Предложение о партнерстве с ФК "Сент-Пэлас" GBS
FC Saint PalaceGBS
Partnership Proposal
July-September 2023
FC Saint PalaceGBS
Engage the
Expand reach
Student leads
FC Saint PalaceGBS
50% off – Integration with our influencers
Product placement:
Advertising integration where the influencer in his
video content explains the best education
opportunities in Dubai, showcasing the GBS
Graphics Logo and clickable link to the GBS offer in
the frame during the advertising video.
The video also featuring GBS building and students.
The viewers could click the GBS website link in the
description and get 50% off from the first payment for
1 semester.
Participants could also win free English lesson. All
they need to do is to show their football skills. For
example, they can send the video of their goals and
FC Saint Palace players will choose three winners.
Participants will need to click the GBS website link in
the description and send their video to the email,
mentioned on the website.
The winners will get called and received the promo
code for the free English lesson.
FC Saint PalaceGBS
The interview with GBS CEO
GBS CEO Participation:
FC Saint Palace or GBS staff members will conduct
the interview with the CEO of GBS.
The CEO will talk about GBS opportunities and
benefits for students.
The viewers could click the link in the description and
get 50% off from the first payment for 1 semester.
The ability to run the sweepstakes and capture the
additional leads.
At the end of the interview the organizers will
announce the contest.
The winners of the contest will get free lesson
at GBS.
To compete in the contest the participants will
need to click GBS website link in the
FC Saint PalaceGBS
The motivational video clip
Opening day event at GBS:
FC Saint Palace post the video clip on club’s and
influencers’ channels to promote the opening
event day at GBS
The event will be also joined by the FC Saint
Palace football players.
The mutual challenges, different contests and fun
football game between students and players.
Participants could register for the event on the
GBS website by clicking the link in the description
to the video clip.
The video clip viewers could get 20% off for the
GBS studies if they register for this event.
The opening day on 1 September 2023.
FC Saint PalaceGBS
Student Press-Conference
FC Saint Palace press-conference at GBS:
Special press-conference where GBS students
could interview the club’s players and get the
answers behind the scenes.
The questions could be about the training
process, football inspiration, football career, etc.
The club will post the announcements via own and
influencers’ channels.
Participants could register for the event on the
GBS website by clicking the link in the description
to the video clip.
3 owners of the most fascinating questions will get
special rewards from the club, for example one
day session with the player.
FC Saint PalaceGBS
Proposed partnership assets
Partner Status (Designation) & Logo Rights – Official
Education Partner of FC Saint Palace.
Intellectual property usage of FC “Saint Palace”:
Usage of image/trademarks of FC “Saint Palace” in
the company’s advertising materials.
Usage of image/trademarks of FC “Saint Palace” for
corporate purpose.
Players’ participation of FC “Saint Palace
Right for players’ participation in advertising,
social and other events – 5 man hours.
Right to use photo and video players’ images.
Right for players’ participation in the partner’s
event – 1 event.
FC Saint PalaceGBS
Proposed partnership assets
Advertising around and inside “Precision Football”
Video advertising on the LED panels (1st line) – 10%
of advertising time.
Static advertising panels along the side lines (2nd
Placement of logo on the promotional panel (press
PA announcements (up to 30 seconds) before, during
the half-time and after the match.
Sales + promotions + mutual events:
Right to run promotion events (BTL and ATL) at the
“Precision Football” Venue during the matches.
Right to set up and run sweepstakes and provide
prizes to Club’s fans during the matches.
Right to distribute promo materials about the
company at Club’s official merchandise places
FC Saint PalaceGBS
Proposed partnership assets
Promotion of advertising campaigns on YouTube
+ other resources:
Right for partnership content in the club’s section
on FC Saint Palace YouTube Channel.
Right to display promotional materials during
broadcasting days of FC Saint Palace.
Posting co-branded posts on the club's social
networks (Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, TikTok,
Telegram, Facebook).
Other rights:
Right to receive the sponsorship and audience
evaluation report.
Total Investment Level: AED 100,
FC Saint PalaceGBS
Thank You