Похожие презентации:
KIND OF CHEESE Какими бывают сыры?soft cheese - мягкий сыр
grated - тёртый
semi-soft - полутвёрдый
mild - неострый
hard - твёрдый
sharp - острый
green - молодой
grille (toasted, smoked) cheese копчёный
Если сыр изготовлен не на заводе, а на какой-либо небольшой ферме по
традиционному рецепту, то его называют artisan cheese [ɑːtɪˈzæn], a также
farmhouse или farmstead cheese [ˈfɑːmsted].
Бутерброд с сыром на английский язык переводится как cheese sandwich.
TYPE OF CHEESE Некоторые разновидности сыраcheddar – чеддер [ˈʧɛdə(r)]
morbier – морбье [morbier]
gruyere – грюйер [ˈgraɪərɪ]
parmigiano-reggiano – пармезан
brie – бри [briː]
nacho cheese – сыр начо
[nacho ʧiːz]
mimolette – мимолет [mimolette]
cheez-its – крекеры [cheez-ɪts]
nacho cheese11.
TASTE OF CHEESE Вкус сыраaromatic – ароматный [ærəˈmætɪk]
fruity – напоминающий фрукты
по вкусу, благоухающий [ˈfruːtɪ]
crack – хрустящий [kræk]
grassy – напоминающий травы
по запаху [ˈgrɑːsɪ]
creamy – сливочный, жирный
malty– солодовый [ˈmɔːltɪ]
earthy – напоминающий
mild – молодой сыр с легким
свежевспаханную землю по
текстуре [ˈɜːθɪ]
вкусом, нежный на вкус [maɪld]
not milk-based - сделанный не на
nutty - ореховый привкус,
основе молока [nɒt mɪlk-beɪst]
пикантный [ˈnʌtɪ]
peppery - перченный, острый
rich - богатый (вкус), жирный,
насыщенный [rɪʧ]
salty – соленый, пикантный [ˈsɔːltɪ]sweet and salty – и сладкий, и
соленый [swiːt ænd ˈsɔːltɪ]
sharp – резкий на вкус, с ярко
tangy – острый, с отчетливо
выраженным вкусом [ʃɑːp]
выраженным вкусом и запахом
spicy – пряный, пикантный,
yeasty– на закваске, дрожжевой
острый, со специями [ˈspaɪsɪ]
subtle – с тонким (едва уловимым)
привкусом или запахом, нежный,
изысканный [sʌtl]
STRETCHY MELTERS Сыры, тянущиеся при плавлениисheddar curds – чеддер мягкий
oaxaca – оахака (мексиканский
[ˈʧɛdə(r) kɜːdz]
сыр) [ˈəʊksɪkə]
mozzarella – моцарелла [mɒtsəˈrɛlə]
provolone – проволоне [provolone]
Instead of oozing, these get stringy and elastic when melted.
Эти сыры при плавлении становятся эластичными и хорошо
тянущимися, а не растекающимися.
сheddar curds16.
CREAMY MELTERSСыры, приобретающие кремообразную субстанцию при плавлении
american – американский сыр
gouda – гауда [ˈgəʊdə]
blue – голубой сыр [bluː]
havarti – хаварти (сыр с травами)
camembert – камамберт
jack – "монтерейский джек" [ʤæk]
[ˈkæməmbeə ]
comte – конте [kɔːnt]
jarlsberg – ярслберг [jarlsberg]
edam - эдамский сыр [ˈiːdəm]
muenster - мюнстер [ˈmjuːnstər]
fontina - фонтина [fontina]
raclette - раклет [raclette]
swiss - швейцарский сыр [swɪs]
These are smooth when melted – ideal for
sauces and dips.
Эти сыры при плавлении становятся гладкими, поэтому они идеально
подходят для приготовления соусов и фондю.
NON-MELTERS Сыры, которые нельзя расплавитьcotija – котиха [cotija]
halloumi – халлуми [halloumi]
feta – фета [fiːt]
queso fresco – кесо фреско
[ˈkeso ˈfɾesko]
goat – козий сыр [gəʊt]
ricotta – рикотта [ricotta]
These soften slightly when heated, but they keep their shape.
Эти сыры при нагревании становятся немного мягче, но при этом
полностью сохраняют свою форму.
queso fresco39.
Чеддер – это твердый сыр британскогопроисхождения с желтой или грязнобелой мякотью. Чеддер обладает
кисловатым привкусом.
Грюйер - традиционный швейцарский
сыр. Это твёрдый жёлтый сыр без
дырок, имеющий острый пикантный
аромат и слегка ореховый вкус.
Бри — мягкий французский сыр из
коровьего молока. Для бри характерен
бледный цвет с сероватым оттенком
под «благородной» белой плесенью.
Сыр мягкий и приятный на вкус с
лёгким запахом нашатыря.
Cheddar cheese is a relatively hard, offwhite (or orange if colourings such as
annatto are added), sometimes sharptasting, natural cheese.
Gruyère is a hard yellow Swiss cheese.
Itis sweet but slightly salty, with a flavor
that varies widely with age. It is often
described as creamy and nutty when
young, becoming more assertive, earthy,
and complex as it matures.
Brieis a soft cow's-milk cheese named
after Brie, the French region. It is pale in
color with a slight grayish tinge under a
rind of white mould. The rind is
typically eaten, with its flavor depending
largely upon the ingredients used and its
manufacturing environment.
Мимоле́т – вид сыра, обычнопроизводимого в окрестностях Лилля
во Франции («лилльский шар»). Это
твёрдый сыр,
имеющий особый
горьковатый оттенок во фруктовом
Морбье́ - сорт полумягкого жирного
сыра, изготавливаемого из сырого
коровьего молока. По форме сыр
представляет собой массивный круг от
белого светло-сливочного до жёлтого
цвета. Молодым сырам свойствен
кисловатый вкус, более зрелым —
насыщенный, иногда горьковатый.
Оттенки вкуса могут варьироваться;
характерны фруктовые и ванильные
Mimolette is a cheese traditionally
produced around the city of Lille, France.
In France, it is also known as Boule de
Lille. This refers to the softness of the
crust when young – with age it becomes
harder. It has a grey crust and orangish
flesh. The flesh takes a hazelnut-like
Morbier is a semi-soft cows' milk cheese
of France named after the small village of
Morbier in Franche-Comté. It is ivory
colored, soft and slightly elastic, and is
distinctive thin black layer separating it
horizontally in the middle. It has a rind
that is yellowish, moist, and leathery.
Пармеза́н – итальянский сорт твёрдогосыра.
неровным срезом, крошится при
пикантным послевкусием. Пармезан
употребляется как самостоятельное
блюдо или используется в виде
добавок к пасте, пицце, супам и
Cheez-itś is a cheese cracker. Additional
common cracker ingredients are typically
used, such as grain, flour, shortening,
leavening, salt and various seasonings.
Parmigiano-Reggiano is an Italian hard,
granular cheese produced from cow's
milk. Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese has a
sharp, complex fruity/nutty taste with a
strong savory flavour and a slightly
gritty texture. Inferior versions can
impart a bitter taste. It is commonly
grated over pasta dishes, stirred into
soups and risottos, and eaten on its own.
Nacho cheese is a form of processed
cheese sauce mixed with peppers and
other spices.
продаётся в виде белых шариков,
замоченных в рассоле. На вкус
моцарелла нежная, пресноватая, чуть
Оахака - мексиканский полутвёрдый
сыр из коровьего молока. Обычно
изготовления сыра является очень
растяжение сыра на длинные ленты и
сплетение их между собой.
Mozzarella is a traditionally southern
Italian cheese made from Italian
buffalo's milk by the pasta filata method.
Fresh mozzarella is generally white but
may vary seasonally to slightly yellow
depending on the animal's diet.
Mozzarella of several kinds is used for
most types of pizza and several pasta
Oaxaca is a white, semihard cheese from
Mexico. The production process is
complicated and involves stretching the
cheese into long ribbons and rolling it up
like a ball of yarn.
Проволоне - твёрдый нежирныйитальянский сыр, вырабатываемый из
коровьего молока. Вкус варьируется в
зависимости от разновидности: от
резкого до очень мягкого. Текстура —
однородная, слегка шелковистая, с
Корка мягкая, золотистого цвета.
Provolone is an Italian cheese. Provolone
is a full-fat cow's milk cheese with a
smooth skin. is a semi-hard cheese with
taste varying greatly from provolone
piccante (sharp, piquant), aged for a
minimum of four months and with a
very sharp taste, to provolone dolce
(sweet) with a very mild taste.
Американский сыр - молочныйпродукт, который вырабатывается из
плавления, творога, масла и других
молочных продуктов с добавлением
плавления сырной массы.
имеющая зелено-голубоватый цвет
сырной массы, который ей придаёт
Плесень придаёт таким сырам особый
островатый аромат.
American cheese is a type of processed
cheese made from cheddar, colby, or
similar cheeses. It is mild with a creamy
and salty flavor, has a medium-firm
consistency, and has a low melting point.
It can be yellow or white in color; yellow
American cheese is seasoned and colored
with annatto.
Blue is cheese made with cultures of the
mold Penicillium, giving it spots or veins
of the mold throughout the cheese,
which can vary in color through various
shades of blue and green. This carries a
distinct smell, either from that or various
characteristic flavor of blue cheeses tends
to be sharp and salty.
Камамбе́р - сорт мягкого жирногосыра, изготавливаемый из коровьего
молока. Имеет цвет от белого до
светло-сливочного. Имеет нежный,
чуть грибной вкус. Снаружи камамбер
покрыт корочкой, поверх которой
растёт белая плесень.
Конте́ - французский сыр из коровьего
молока. Вкус сыра — выраженный,
сладковатый, с ореховым привкусом,
текстура — довольно твёрдая и
эластичная. Корочка обычно сероватокоричневая, внутри сыр бледнокремово-жёлтый.
Camembert is a moist, soft, creamy,
surface-ripened cow's milk cheese. It was
first made in the late 18th century at
Camembert, Normandy, in northern
France. It is similar to Brie, which is
native to the Brie region of France.
Comte is a French cheese made from
unpasteurized cow's milk. The cheese is
made in rinds. The rind is usually a
dusty-brown colour, and the internal
paste, pâte , is a pale creamy yellow. The
texture is relatively hard and flexible,
and the taste is mild and slightly sweet.
Эдам - голландский полутвёрдыйсыр.
шарообразную форму, цвет внутри —
бледно-жёлтый. Вкус этого сыра
слегка ореховый, а аромат усиливается
по мере созревания. Молодой сыр
неострый, слегка сладковатый, с
пикантным вкусом. Зрелый - более
сухой и солёный, по мере созревания
его вкус усиливается.
Edam is a semi-hard cheese that
originated in the Netherlands. Edam is
traditionally sold in flat ended spheres
with a pale yellow interior and a coat, or
rind, of red paraffin wax. It has a very
mild flavour, slightly salty or nutty, and
almost no smell.
Фонтина́ - итальянский полутвёрдый
сыр. Вкус у сыра острый, аромат —
отличается мягкой текстурой, зрелый
— более твёрдый. Цвет продукта
варьируется от слоновой кости до
соломенных оттенков.
Fontina is an Italian washed-rind cow's
milk cheese. The original cheese is fairly
pungent and has quite an intense flavor.
It has a natural rind due to aging, which
is usually tan to orange-brown. The
interior of the cheese is pale cream in
color and riddled with holes known as
Gouda is a mild-flavored, yellow cow's milk cheese originating from the Netherlands.It is one of the most popular cheeses worldwide. The name is used today as a general
term for numerous similar cheeses produced in the traditional Dutch manner.
The first mention of Gouda cheese dates from 1184, making it one of the oldest
recorded cheeses in the world still made today. Cheesemaking traditionally was a
woman's task in Dutch culture, with farmers' wives passing their cheesemaking skills
on to their daughters. During summer months in the city of Gouda, South Holland,
there is a cheese market in traditional style once a week primarily as tourist attraction.
Most Dutch Gouda is now produced industrially. However, some 300 Dutch farmers
still produce boerenkaas (“farmer's cheese”) which is a protected form of Gouda made
in the traditional manner, using unpasteurized milk.
The cheese is named after the city of Gouda, not because it was produced in or around
that city, but because it was traded there. In the Middle Ages, Dutch cities could obtain
certain feudal rights which gave them primacy or a total monopoly on certain goods.
Within the County of Holland, Gouda acquired market rights on cheese, the sole right
to have a market in which the county's farmers could sell their cheese. All the cheeses
would be taken to the market square in Gouda to be sold. Teams consisting of the
guild of cheese-porters, identified by distinct differently colored straw hats, carried the
farmers' cheeses, which typically weighed about 16 kg, in barrows. Buyers then
sampled the cheeses and negotiated a price using a ritual bargaining system called
handjeklap in which buyers and sellers clap each other's hands and shout out prices.
Once a price was agreed upon, the porters would carry the cheese to the weighing
house and complete the sale.
Jarlsberg is a mild cow 's-milk cheese with large regular holes, that originates fromJarlsberg, Norway.Although it originated in Norway, it is also produced in Ohio and
Ireland under licenses from Norwegian dairy producers. It is classified as a Swiss-type
or Alpine cheese.
Jarlsberg cheese has a yellow wax rind (outer layer) and a semi-firm yellow interior. It
is a mild, buttery cheese. The flavor has been described as "clean and rich, with a
slightly sweet and nutty flavour". It is an all-purpose cheese, used for both cooking
and eating as a snack. It has a characteristic smooth, shiny-yellow body, and a creamy,
supple texture. It is aged a minimum of three months and is distinguished by medium
to large holes. Some variations are aged a minimum of 9, 12 or 15 months. It is usually
produced in 10-kilogram wheels with an approximate diameter of 330 millimetres and
a height of 95 to 105 millimetres. The characteristic holes or "eyes" are the result of the
action of the bacteria Propionibacterium freudenreichii which naturally occurs in milk
and is added back into the cheese during production according to a closely guarded
secret formula.
Muenster or munster is a semi-soft cheese from the United States. It is thought to be animitation of the Alsatian washed-rind Munster cheese, introduced by German
immigrants. It is distinct from the processed dairy food Sweet Muenster Cheese. Its
name is not related to the German cities of Münster in Westphalia or in Lower Saxony
or the Irish province of Munster but rather to the city of Munster in Alsace, which was
part of Germany at the time the cheese was introduced in the US by German
immigrants, but is currently in France.
Muenster is pale in color and smooth in texture with an orange rind. The cheese is
made from pasteurized cow's milk. The rind's orange color is from annatto, a sweet and
nutty seasoning used to add flavor and color to cheeses such as Cheddar, Colby, Red
Leicester, and Mimolette. Muenster usually has a very mild flavor and smooth, soft
texture. In some cases, when properly aged, it can develop a strong flavor with a
pungent aroma. This cheese is commonly served as an appetizer. Because it melts well,
it is also often used in dishes such as grilled cheese sandwiches, tuna melts,
quesadillas, cheeseburgers, macaroni and cheese, and pizza.
The spelling "Muenster" distinguishes the American cheese from Munster cheese,
which is made from unpasteurized cow's milk in the Vosges mountains in Alsace. The
orange tinge of Munster's rind occurs naturally as a byproduct of the cheese-making
process. A regional variation is also produced in the Franche-Comté region in France.
The name Munster-Géromé, used today in France, is a protected A.O.C. and is strictly
regulated in its production technique and source geography.
Raclette is a Swiss dish, also popular in Savoie, France, based on heating cheese andscraping off the melted part. Raclette du Valais is a Swiss cheese marketed specifically
to be used for this dish.
Dishes of melted cheese were mentioned in medieval texts from Swiss convents as
early as 1291. Melted cheese was originally consumed by peasants in the mountainous
Alpine regions of the cantons of Valais and Fribourg (Switzerland), and Savoie and
Haute-Savoie (France). It was then known in the German-speaking part of Switzerland
as Bratchäs, or "roasted cheese". Traditionally, cow herders carried cheese with them
when they were moving cows to or from pastures up in the mountains. In the evening,
the cheese would be placed next to a campfire for softening, then scraped onto bread.
In Switzerland, raclette is typically served with potatoes, cornichons, pickled onions,
black tea, other warm beverages, or Fendant wine. A popular French option is to serve
it with white wine, such as Savoy wine, but Riesling and pinot gris are also common.
Traditionally, it is consumed with black tea, since a warm beverage supposedly
improves digestion.
In Switzerland, a scraper continuously serves all in the restaurant from an oven placed
in a separated table or near a wood fire. In France, restaurateurs often place a raclette
oven directly on the table, in which case the scraping is to be done by the guests.
Feta is a Greek brined curd white cheese made from sheep's milk or from a mixture ofsheep and goat's milk. It is a soft, brined white cheese with small or no holes, a
compact touch, few cuts, and no skin. It is formed into large blocks, and aged in brine.
Its flavor is tangy and salty, ranging from mild to sharp. It is crumbly and has a
slightly grainy texture. Feta is used as a table cheese, in salads such as Greek salad, and
in pastries, notably the phyllo-based Greek dishes spanakopita ("spinach pie") and
tyropita ("cheese pie"). It is often served with olive oil or olives, and sprinkled with
aromatic herbs such as oregano. It can also be served cooked (often grilled), as part of a
sandwich, in omelettes, and many other dishes.
Since 2002, feta has been a protected designation of origin in the European Union. EU
legislation limits the name feta to cheeses produced in the traditional way in particular
areas of Greece, which are made from sheep's milk, or from a mixture of sheep's and
up to 30% of goat's milk from the same area.
Similar white, brined cheeses (often called "white cheese" in various languages) are
made traditionally in the Eastern Mediterranean and around the Black Sea, and more
recently elsewhere. Outside the EU, the name feta is often used generically for these
Ricotta is an Italian whey cheese made from sheep, cow, goat, or Italian water buffalomilk whey left over from the production of other cheeses. Like other whey cheeses, it is
made by coagulating the proteins that remain after the casein has been used to make
cheese, notably albumin and globulin.
Ricotta (literally meaning "recooked", "refined") protein can be harvested if the whey is
first allowed to become more acidic by additional fermentation (by letting it sit for 12–
24 hours at room temperature). Then the acidified whey is heated to near boiling. The
combination of low pH and high temperature denatures the protein and causes it to
flocculate, forming a fine curd. Once cooled, it is separated by passing the liquid
through a fine cloth, leaving the curd behind.
Ricotta curds are creamy white in appearance, and slightly sweet in taste. The fat
content changes depending on the brand and the type of milk used. In this form, it is
somewhat similar in texture to some cottage cheese variants, though considerably
lighter. It is highly perishable. However, ricotta also is made in aged varieties which
are preservable for much longer.