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Business Ethics
Performed:Kapustin Vladislav Valerievich
Alasania Elena Pavlovna
Ethics"Ethics" (Greek e hika, by e hose customs, manners, character) is
usually used in two senses. On the
one hand Ethics - an area
of knowledge, scientific discipline
that studies ethics, morality, their
origin, dynamics, factors and
changes. On the other hand, ethics
refers to itself under a set of moral
rules in a particular area of human
behavior or organization. As the
designation of special areas of
knowledge, the term coined by
BusinessBusiness - Leading economic
activities carried out both by
its own and borrowed funds
at their own risk and
responsibility, which aims to
formation and development
of their own business for
profit and to solve social
problems entrepreneur
workforce, society as a
Business ethicsBusiness ethics - business ethics based on honesty, openness,
fidelity to one's word, the ability to function effectively on the
market in accordance with applicable law, established rules and
traditions. There are two main points of view on the relation of
universal ethical principles and business ethics:
The first point of viewEthics rules generally do not apply to business or relate
to a lesser extent. This view is consistent with the
concept of so-called ethical relativism, according to
which each reference group (ie a group of people on
whose opinion about their behavior guided the entity) is
characterized by its own special ethical standards;
Business Ethics is based on the general-purpose ethical
(to be honest, to do no harm, to keep his word, and so
on) that are specified taking into account the specific
social role of business in society.
The second point of viewBusiness Ethics is based on the general-purpose ethical (to be
honest, to do no harm, to keep his word, and so on) that are
specified taking into account the specific social role of
business in society. The system of rules and regulations
adopted by now in the business world, did not appear in
finished form. It evolved over a long historical period, with the
development of civilization, based on the following
unintended people certain traditions and customs. Primary
basis of professional ethics were laid in the heyday of ancient
Business ethicsTalking to ignorant to some special
field person should not eat strange for
him abbreviations and technical
terms taken in this sphere of speech.
Similarly, the need to be careful with
the use of foreign words and
expressions. When choosing words
you should try to eat a simple, wellknown and generally accepted,
everyone understands words. But at
the same time these words must be
most accurately express your thought.
Do not apply resentment partners,
paying attention to their mistakes and
Business ethicsIf the atmosphere is tense
negotiations, here we must use
everything to its discharge. Witty or
humorous remark, said at the time,
could defuse the situation. But not
all the information can be put into
words. These are complemented by
other means of communication non-verbal (non-voice). This
expression, gait, shaking hands,
posture and gestures.