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Presentation by swot analysis of Dior


Presentation by
SWOT analysis of Dior


• The Founding of Dior
• Brand Philosophy
• Product Range
• Dior's Haute Couture
• Luxury and Fame


The Founding of Dior
Dior was founded in 1946 by
Christian Dior, a French fashion
designer. The brand quickly gained
popularity for its elegant and
feminine designs. In 1947 he
presented his first collection "New
Look," which became a real
breakthrough in the fashion world.


Brand Philosophy
Timeless and Elegant Designs
Blending Tradition and Innovation
Dior's brand philosophy revolves around
creating timeless and elegant designs that
empower women. The brand believes in the
power of fashion to make women feel confident
and beautiful.
Dior aims to blend tradition and innovation in its
creations. The brand respects its rich heritage
and craftsmanship while continuously pushing
boundaries and embracing new technologies and


Product Range
Dior offers a wide range of
products, including clothing,
accessories, fragrances, and
The brand is known for its highquality and luxurious offerings.


Dior's Haute Couture
Dior is renowned for its haute
couture collections, which are
meticulously crafted and
showcase the brand's exceptional


• Brand recognition: Dior is
one of the most wellknown and prestigious
brands in the fashion and
beauty industry.
• Innovative products: Dior
is known for its innovative
products that often set new
standards in the industry.
• Wide range of products:
Dior offers a wide range of
products, including
clothing, accessories,
perfumes, and cosmetics,
allowing the company to
cater to a diverse audience.
• Global presence: The
company has a widespread
distribution network
worldwide, helping it reach
a wide audience and
increase sales.
• High price: Dior products
often come with a high
price tag, making them
inaccessible to certain
market segments.
• Dependency on fashion
trends: As a fashion
company, Dior is
susceptible to risks
associated with changing
consumer preferences and
fashion trends.
• Competition: The fashion
and beauty industry is
highly competitive, and
Dior must constantly fight
for market positions.
• Economic factors:
• Developing new markets:
Instability in the global
Dior can expand its
economy can negatively
presence in
impact consumers'
developing markets such as
purchasing power and
confidence in luxury goods.
China, India, and Brazil,
where the demand for
• Product counterfeiting:
High demand for Dior
luxury goods is growing.
products can stimulate
counterfeiting and illegal
• Expanding product line:
trading, which can damage
The company can develop
the company's reputation.
new products and expand
its product line to meet the • Rapidly changing industry:
The fashion and beauty
changing needs of
industry is constantly
evolving, and new
competitors and brands can
• Enhancing online presence:
displace Dior from the
market if the company does
Dior can increase its online
not keep up with trends and
presence and develop eremain relevant.
commerce to attract more
customers and increase


Dior is a brand that combines style,
elegance, and quality. It leaves a lasting
impression and continues to inspire
fashion enthusiasts worldwide. Thank you
for your attention!
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