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One in a million




When someone say you are one in a million?
If someone says you're one in a million, it generally means that the
person thinks you are very unique or special. It can be used as a
compliment to express that the person thinks you are rare and valuable
• Thanks for all the help you've given me. You're one in a million.
• She was one in a million and is irreplaceable.
• She's clearly a very positive person and one in a million.
• We are looking for one in a million.



"Under someone's thumb" is an idiom that means
"under someone's control or influence."
It generally has a negative connotation and can imply that someone has
been forced into a position where they have no control
He was still under his father’s thumb.
A lot of teenagers are under their parents’ thumb.
Governments keep people under their thumb to rule them, reign on
In some countries it is normal for women to be under their hudbabd’s
Employees were under the boss’s thumb. So , they decided to quit/give
up their job.


your better half/other half used humorously to mean your husband, wife, or partner


Can you
guess the


I don’t always see eye to eye with my dad
(have similar opinions)


If two people see eye to eye, they agree with each other
the boss and I do not always see eye to eye.
My sisters don't see eye to eye with me about the arrangements.
My husband and I, see eye to eye on most topics.
My brother and I never disagree. We see eye to eye about everything.
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