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Once again SeeZisLab Team try to study out YouTube myths, which is actively discussed by users in the Net


Once again SeeZisLab Team try to study out YouTube myths, which is actively
discussed by users in the Net.
Today’s myth is as follows: “If a video art is supplemented with an image
containing key words, the video will get better results compared to its
competitors in YouTube search results”.


In order to carry out this experiment, we took 2 virtual machines, registered a YouTube
account per each of them, and created a channel per each of the accounts. All of these were
done simultaneously. For these channels, we made 5 pairs of video files each. The videos
were similar as for timing, bitrate, resolution, title, description, and tags. Then we uploaded
the videos by pairs to the channel, and one of the pair had an art with key words written in
it, whereas the other didn’t. Video files were uploaded simultaneously on both channels.


After that, all positions of the video in YouTube search results were taken as for title
and description. All the videos were located together – one after another, inseparably. To
construct graphs, we decided to do the following: those videos that were higher their
competitors got 1 point, and those located below – 0.
These are the results immediately after videos’ uploading on the channel:
In the graph we can see that the video, which image contained key words, was
significantly higher in search results.


In 2 weeks
The experiment was carried out for 14 days; and every day we kept an eye on changes
on videos’ positions.


In 2 weeks, the results still showed advantage of the video, which had a key word in its
art image.
Having conducted this experiment, we can draw a conclusion that the video with an art
image containing a key word had better search results when compared to that without a
key word in its art image.
In addition, we carried out an additional test with pairs of videos, which image
contained any other title and no key words. For this purpose, we additionally made 5 more
pairs of videos and uploaded them to already created 2 channels.


The result was similar to those described above, but the idea of the test was
to understand, if YouTube search engine found the video with a title containing no
key words (we used just bag of words instead). So, the videos were searched
according to these words, and in the result none of such videos was found. Thus,
we can conclude that the image should contain text written in the title of the
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