Категория: БиологияБиология

Presentation on the topic


Presentation on the topic
Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus nathusii) and saffron flower
The presentation was made by Ilyasov Ruslan, 7Г class


Pipistrelles are the
smallest representatives
of the genus. Their body
length is no more than 6
cm and weighs 20 grams.


Pipistrelles live in zones
from the African
continent to South
America. These animals
are found in forests and
mountains at an altitude
of more than 3 thousand


Pipistrelles do not have
front legs, so they move
along the surface of the
earth by crawling


Pipistrelles have no
means of defense
against attack. The
only salvation from
danger is flight. At the
slightest movement,
bats fly away


Saffron flover
Saffron is an unusually
beautiful plant of the iris or
bulbous family. It grows up to
10-30 cm. The plant loves light
and warmth. Like other
bulbous plants, it usually grows
in dry places protected from
the wind. It can live in one
place for 4 years, then the
plantings need to be renewed.


The homeland of saffron is
Asia Minor. It is cultivated in
India, China, Japan,
Pakistan, Azerbaijan,
Dagestan, Turkey, Spain,
Italy, France and on the
southern coast of Crimea.


It has long been considered
one of the most expensive
spices - the price of one
kilogram of spice of Iranian
origin reached 2 thousand
US dollars.


Thank you for your attention!
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