Nose-bearing lotus
Greig's Tulip
Talas wrestler
Pskem onions
Thanks for attention!!!
Категория: БиологияБиология

Red Book of Kazakhstan. Vegetable world


Red Book of Kazakhstan

2. Nose-bearing lotus

The lotus is a perennial aquatic plant. Flowers
change color from bright pink to almost white.
After ripening they sink to the bottom, where
they can not germinate for a long time. They
have a faint but very pleasant aroma. Lotus can
be found on the shores of the Caspian Sea.

3. Greig's Tulip

The grandparents of almost all tulips Greig's tulips have long been included in
the list of rare and endangered plants.
Tulips - perennial bulbous plants,
reproduce in nature exclusively by
The age of the flower is short.

4. Talas wrestler

A wrestler is a grassy perennial that
has a winding or straight stalk with
leaves in turn. Upper sepal has the
form of a helmet, under it is a
whisk, which is very attractive
pollinators - bumblebees.

5. Pskem onions

This is a perennial herb. It blooms in
June. Drought-resistant, light-requiring.
Frost resistant Young leaves, shoots
and bulbs are edible.
This is a friend of cooks, it is used as a

6. Thanks for attention!!!

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