Категория: БизнесБизнес

Business plan


Business plan
Made by:
Georgiy Gordeev, 11 A
Elizaveta Maslova, 11 A
Roman Sokolov, 11 B


«Heimdall», SAEC (Siberian Alternative Energy
Company). JSC (Joint Stock Company).
• Heimdall - the deity of Germanic mythology, whose name can be
translated as «Illuminating the world».
• Main idea: provide alternative electrification services (solar panels,
wind turbines, etc.) to the public;
• Details of the main idea: to provide services to the population of the
least electrified areas of the country, areas included in the «Far
Eastern Hectare» program, where there is high demand for
infrastructure and low supply.


Electric tariffs by regions of Russia


Average annual wind speed by regions of


Wind energy sources provided by the
• Area of location: Pacific Far Eastern territories, White Sea territories,
St. Petersburg region.
• Approximate goal: electrification of the territories of the «Far Eastern
Hectare» program.
• The way to achieve the goal: the unification of «Heimdall» with the
regional banking sector represented by the Eastern Bank, the AsiaPacific Bank, etc. according to the strategy "credit == share in the
company". Further implementation of the construction of industrial
enterprises for the production of windmills in rural areas at the
expense of loans issued.


Wind energy sources provided by the
• Premises for business operation: industrial enterprises for windmill
products, warehouses, road networks, company offices in target cities and
villages for logistics and service provision, etc.
• Equipment for business operation: professional construction and
engineering equipment, geodetic equipment, heavy trucks, trains, etc.
! The supply of necessary equipment will be carried out in cooperation
with local manufacturers, by including them in the cooperative «banks –
«Heimdall» - manufacturers» !
• Personnel for business operation: employees of local divisions of the
company who have the skills to provide services; logisticians; warehouse
workers; engineers for windmill products; surveyors; etc.


The Far Eastern market of electric power
• Consumers: farmers of the «Far Eastern Hectare» program, rural
residents, tribal residents (to whom solar panels can be sold).
• Market condition: the market is in a progressive stage, marked by a
high proportion of entrepreneurs' penetration into the economy.
• The main rivals in the market are «ROSSETI», which have a monopoly
on the production and supply of electricity.
! In our production, it is pointless to try to compete with a
monopolist, so there will be cooperation between us !


«Theory of games»
Theory of games is a branch of mathematical economics that studies conflict
resolution between players and the optimality of their strategies.
Our plan:
1. To hire a new link in the business - business analysts who evaluate the
purchase and installation prices of alternative energy sources of «ROSSETI».
2. To sell their products to them, 2-5% lower than the current purchase price.
3. Invest part of the net profit in «ROSSETI» shares, ensuring a surplus for
both their company and their own.
4. Make a profit.
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