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Buddhism. The oldest world religion: 2500 years of history
BuddhismThe oldest world religion: 2500 years of history
@ Miazin Nikolai, PhD in History
Termsworldview - мировоззрение
heir - наследник
hermit - отшельник
righteous - праведный
ignorance - невежество
realm - королевство, область интересов
сlockwise - по часовой стрелке
demigod - полубог
enlightenment - просветление
bliss - блаженство, счастье
coexist - сосуществование
Pure land - чистая земля (рай)
The youth of Prince Siddhartha Gautama4.
For sights: old man, sick person, corpse and ascetic5.
Wheel of SamsaraThe wheel of Samsara is held by
the god of death Yama
Three poisons of Samsara make
the Wheel spin:
-greed (bird);
-hatred (snake);
-ignorance (pig)
Consist of 6 realms:
1.Gods realm (upper),
further clockwise:
2.Demigods realm
3.Hunger ghost realm
4.Hell realm
5.Animal realm
6.Human realm
Buddha enlightenment7.
Buddha statue8.
Spread of BuddhismTheravada
(school of eldest)
(great vehicle)
(diamond vehicle,
Tibetian Buddhism)
Dalai Lama`s Potala Palace10.
Russian BuddhismKalmykia (XVII c.): 50 % of
the population
Tyva(XVIII-XIX c.): 50 %
Buryatia (XVIII c.): 20 %
Zabaykalsky Krai (XVIII c.):
20 %
Buddhism summary• 2500 years;
• doesn`t faith in Good;
• faith in reincarnation;
• life as suffering, because a person can`t escape grief, illness and death;
• offers a way to achieve enlightenment and attain
the infinite fullness of being - Nirvana