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5«Б» класса
Дубровский Никита


Wild animals that I know: bear, wolf, fox, squirrel, hare and others.
My favorite is the lynx.
The lynx belongs to the cat family the lynx is also a predatory animal


These are lynx cubs:


The lynx is the northernmost species of the cat family. In Scandinavia, it is
found even in the Arctic circle. It was once very common throughout
Europe, but by the mid-twentieth century it was exterminated in most
countries of Central and Western Europe. Now successful attempts have
been made to revive the lynx population.In Russia, the lynx is found in
remote, heavily cluttered overgrown coniferous forests up to Kamchatka
and Sakhalin. Lynx is also found in the Carpathians, the Caucasus and
Central Asia. Everywhere it is small in number.Lynx is found in the middle
zone of Russia, Georgia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Poland, Czech
Republic, Hungary, Romania, Spain, Serbia, Macedonia, Slovenia,
Slovakia, Belarus, Croatia, Albania, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine


Lynx prefers deep dark coniferous forests, taiga, although it is found in a
variety of places, including mountain forests; sometimes it enters the
forest-steppe and forest-tundra. She is an excellent climber on trees and
rocks, swims well. It also survives well among the snows (in the Arctic
circle), catching fur-bearing animals. The spotty coat makes the lynx
invisible during the day among the sun glare falling on the ground from
the illuminated crowns of trees and hides it at dusk and at dawn, making it
easier to attack prey.If there is an abundance of food, the lynx lives
sedentary, if there is a lack-it wanders. It can travel up to 30 kilometers
per day. The basis of its diet consists of rabbits the whites. It also
constantly hunts grouse birds, small rodents, less often-small ungulates,


The lynx hunts at dusk. Contrary to popular beliefs, it never jumps on its
prey from a tree, but prefers to ambush game or hide (that is, it gets to the
victim at the shortest possible distance, favorable for a lightning throw),
hides behind fallen trunks, old stumps, stones, sometimes sits on a thick
horizontal branch, and then attacks with large, up to 4 m, jumps. The
victim is pursued at a distance of no more than 60-80 m, and then
exhales. Having reached a distance of about 10-15 meters, the lynx covers
it with several jumps of 2-3 meters in length. If the attack fails
immediately, the huntress makes another dozen shorter jumps in the
hijacking, which most often does not end in anything. Rushing at a large
prey, the lynx digs its claws into the front of its body, and its teeth tear at


That's it! Thanks for
your attention
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