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Inventions and Inventors



1. In 1908 James M. Spangler from the USA built
the first vacuum cleaner.
2. Karl Benz produced the world’s first petroldriven motor car in Germany in 1885.
3. Sergei Korolyev designed the first artificial
satellite in 1957.
4. Wilbur and Orville Wright built the first airplane
in 1903.
5. In 1876 Alixander Graham Bell, an American
engineer, invented telephone.
6. John Logie Baird from Scotland invented
televion in 1926.


1. Some facts from Nobel’s biography
2. Nobel’s inventions
3. “a merchant of death”
4. outstanding contributions
5. Nobel’s judges
6. December 10, 1901


I’d like to retell you about… - я хотел бы
рассказать вам о…
I have read the information about… - я читал
информацию о…
Firstly, I’d like to tell you about… - сначала, я
хотел бы рассказать вам о …
Summing up I should say that… - делая вывод,
хотелось бы сказать, что…
I like read such information. – Мне нравится
читать подобную информацию.
I don’t like read such information. – Мне не
нравится читать подобную информацию.


Fill the missing using the text
1.Nobel Alfred Bernhard is Swedish … and … was
born in ….
2.He invented … in 1867 and … in 1887.
3.Nobel … over 350 patents, many … (e.g., artificial
… and leather).
4.He was … “a … of death” for inventing an … used
in war.
5.Nobel Prizes are awards … annually to persons or
institutions … … during the previous year … of
physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, …,
international peace and ....


6. Each Nobel Prize winner also receives a … and …
bearing the winner’s name and field of ….
7. The … often divide the … for achievement in a
particular field among … or … people.
8. The Nobel Foundation consists of six members:
five … by the … of the awarding bodies
mentioned …, and the sixth … by the Swedish
9. The … members are either … or … citizens.
10.The … … on December 10, …
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