


Bulk cargo transportation
Presentation prepaid by a student of the State University of
Maritime and River Navigation Alexey Fomin, group 364.


• Bulk cargo is cargo that is
transported without packaging
due to the impossibility of its
use. These include:
construction materials, coal,
ore and ore concentrates,
grain. The peculiarity of these
cargoes is that they consist of
moving particles of a certain
size, which can be orgainc or
non- organic in their


Transport characteristics
• physical - particles can interact with each other (stick together,
damage), they can heat up, shrink;
• biological - they can germinate, rot, and so on. Everything
related to living organisms. Most often, only agricultural
products have such characteristics;
• chemical - the cargo can be explosive,it can ignite during
transportation, it can be oxidized.


Loading and unloading
Complex mechanized brigades are used for loading and
unloading bulk cargoes.
These brigades, as a rule, have one or two cranes with a lifting
capacity from 6 to 16 Tons, an on-board cargo vehicle with a
platform trailer, an electric loader equipped with a bulldozer-grab
grab for unloading bulk cargoes from covered wagons and a
spare battery.
When loading bulk cargo from bunkers, conveyors and
excavators, the presence of loaders in the back for leveling the
cargo is prohibited


• When transporting sand, gravel, crushed stone, chalk, slag, expanded
clay, clay, peat (peat briquette), soil, concrete, mortars and other bulk
cargoes by road in the winter season, the shipper must ensure that the
inner surface of the cargo vehicle body is coated, depending on the
properties of the cargo being transported, with special materials
(varnish, sawdust, fine sand, lime, table salt and others), which prevent
the cargo from freezing to the surface of the body, unless a different
procedure is provided for in the relevant contract.


Thank you for attention!
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