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Process-oriented error management in dental practice


VieSID® Basic Curriculum
error management
in dental practice
(Thoughts about Occlusion & Quality
Management in Dental Office)
© VieSID 2018


The basic education
The 23 Chapters of
basic education
program (dentist):
1. Introduction
2. Human Evolution
3. Phylogenesis – Ontogenesis
4. Cybernetic thinking in dentistry
5. CMS: Cranio-Manidbular System
6. NMS: Neuro-Muscular System
7. Case Documentation
8. Impression-Models
9. Functions of the Masticatory Organ
10. Hinge-Axis
11. Clinical Instrumental Analysis
12. Condylographic Interpretation
13. Reference Position
14. Articulator / Face-bow
15. Axis-Orbital Coordinate System
16. Instrumental Analysis in the Articulator
17. Additional Clinical Analysis
18. Anamneses /Occlusal Index
19. Cephalometric Tracing
20. Cephalometric Analysis and Interpretation
21. Compensation mechanism
22. Functional geometry
23. Functional wax-up Class I
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Basic quality management consideration
The Pareto Principle
80 % of the results are achieved within
20 % of the overall time of a project
Vilfredo Federico Pareto
Italian, Engineer, Economist and Sociologist
© VieSID 2018


Basic quality management consideration
For 20% of the project results we consume
80% of the time
80% of errors are based on 20% of
error causes
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Dental Activity
Patient’s concern
Fullfillment of the patient‘s concern
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Process chain
Initial consultation
End of work
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Dental offices are commercial enterprises in a market-oriented
environment and they are subject to a distinctive legal
From an economic point of view it is therefore necessary to
structure the dental work as efficient as possible.
Productivity means the relation of the total amount of all
efforts (input) and the achieved result (output) of a
(manufacturing) process.
Increase in productivity means a reduction in efforts
with a constant output (quality).
© VieSID 2018


The elimination of few error sources
in a process chain may result in an
immense improvement of the final
quality of the project
However, it therefore also applies that…
The insertion of few error sources in
a process chain may result in an
enormously high decline of the final
quality of the project
© VieSID 2018


Process results may deviate from specifications, because of…
Tolerances and Errors
Statistical errors:
- Are committed by acting persons
-Are averaged in the event of
multiple repetitions
-Are responsible for about 20% of all
Systematic errors:
-Are committed by responsible
persons (supervisor / boss)
-Are not averaged, are ‘heeled’ in
their deviations (same direction)
-Are responsible for about 80% of all
© VieSID 2018


Process analysis: Systematics and precision
Process is
systematically correct
and provides
high precision
Process is
systematically correct,
but provides
poor precision
Process is
systematically wrong,
but provides
good precision
© VieSID 2018


Our mentor and teacher
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Slavicek
•He is considered the forerunner and progressive thinker, and as
the founder of the 'Vienna school of interdisciplinary dentistry'.
•Prof. Rudolf Slavicek enjoys world-wide recognition and highest
reputation in the field of prosthetics, function diagnosis and
comprehensive interdisciplinary dentistry.
•Apart from his job as a dentist in his own practice in Vienna, his
activity as a university teacher, Prof. Slavicek has taught at various
universities in Austria, Asia, Europe and USA.
•He founded the Institute for Advanced Training of the Dental
Association Vienna, was the Head of the “Department for
Prosthetics“ at the university Vienna and later Dean of the Dental
University in Vienna
•Head of the Department of Interdisciplinary Dentistry at the
Danube University Krems
© VieSID 2018


© VieSID 2012


Our cooperative Passion, Goal and Statement
VieSID is a foundation to promote
occlusal medicine in dentistry
© VieSID 2018


VieSID Philosophy – our common understanding
Respect of the individuality of the patient (need for
detailed diagnostic work-up before dental interventions)
Holistic view to the patient and dental work (cybernetic
thinking of ‘the organ’)
Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach to
Occlusion and Function of the organ to be considered of
high importance (an organ is defined by the functions!)
Consequently, to understand dentistry as a medical
profession. VieSID offers a plausible integrated concept.
© VieSID 2018


VieSID was founded in Vienna in 2008. VieSID has the main focus on Interdisciplinary
Dentistry and Occlusal Medicine on the basis of the Vienna School of Dentistry
according Prof. Rudolf Slavicek
VieSID designs and conducts postgraduate education for dentists and dental technicians
2009-2015: VieSID has been assigned by the Austrian Dental Association to be
responsible for parts of the Austrian continuous education program for dentists. VieSID
cooperates with well-known international lecturers and is responsible for the contents
and organisation of the curricula.
Since 2013: VieSID cooperates with the Medical University of Vienna in terms of
organization of the Master of Science program in Prosthetic Dentistry
VieSID supports scientific research work in the field of occlusion und function. VieSID is
headed by Christian Slavicek.
Scientific support: Prof. Rudolf Slavicek, Prof. Sadao Sato, Prof. Eva Piehslinger, a.o.
© VieSID 2018


Cooperation and cooperative activities
Since 2016, VieSID continuous education courses
lectured in Vienna, take place at the University Clinic of
Dentistry in Vienna. They are organized and certified in
cooperation with the Medical University of Vienna.
© VieSID 2018


Internationalization of VieSID courses
VieSID cooperates with international institutions in regard to it’s Basic
educational program. The Basic Curriculum is standardized throughout all
international teaching activities. Even teachers may be exchanged and selected
according to language, travel and core area of knowledge.
VieSID international
- Asia
- Brazil
- China
- Chile
- Colombia
- Germany
- Guatemala
- India
- Italy
- Portugal
- Poland
- Romania
- Spain
- Ukraine
… more to come
© VieSID 2018


International VieSID Curricula
International VieSID Curriculum courses and
cooperative international VieSID courses are not
University course but will be accredited and accepted
to enter advanced cooperative VieSID-MUW (Medical
University of Vienna) courses in future.
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VieSID faculty
… and more
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End of
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