Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

My small homeland - Tanrykulovo village


author: Ibraev Rustam,
7 th form,
Tanrykulovskaya secondary school


Hello! My name
is Rustam. I am 13
years old. I live in
the village of
Tanrykulovo. I love
my village and I
want to tell you
about its
interesting and
beautiful places,
famous people of
our village.


The village of Tanrykulovo is located in the
Kurgan region of the Almenevsky district.


One of the natural riches of our village are forests. The forest is a
home for many animals: animals, birds, insects. There are many
medicinal plants growing in the Red Book of the Kurgan region.


Tanrykulovskoye bog
Tanrykulovskoye bog is a monument of nature. The
swamp is a lake-marsh complex on the site of a boggy
fresh lake. The environment includes a solonetz
meadow, used as a pasture and a place for the passage
of cattle; The eastern shore approaches the outer
gardens of the village. In the marsh, long-herbaceous
grass grows: sedge shore, reed fescue, mannik large.
Some of them are listed in the Red Book of the Kurgan
region. The central part is formed by a low-power
cushion of sphagnum mosses, fixed by a dense lowbirch birch forest.




On a moss hummock grows a berry cranberry bog. It has very useful
properties for humans. It contains vitamin C. The population of the village
uses the berries for food and collects for sale. The area of ​the swamp is 137, 6


Monument to participants of the
Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945
The sight of our village is a monument
to the participants of the Second World
War, located near the rural House of
Culture. The monument was founded
in 1969. Stone pedestal. A soldier in a
tunic with a gun in his right hand. The
monument is fenced with anchor
chains and installed in honor of the
25th anniversary of victory in the
Second World War, as few fellow
villagers returned with the front. They
gave their lives for the peaceful sky
above their heads. In our school there
is a Museum of Military Glory. Eternal
memory to all the soldiers who died
during the Great Patriotic War! And
those who are alive thank you very
much for their exploit!


Tanrykulovskaya school
Our school is our pride, the pride of our village. The school
is the center of Bashkir and Russian culture. The school
hosts school events, meeting evenings for school graduates,
meetings for the public, holidays, etc. The school has a
museum of military glory with photographs of heroes and
participants of the Second World War, many of which
saved the Motherland from Nazi invaders at the cost of
their lives, materials about the birth of the village, veterans
of pedagogical work, etc. About 20 teachers work in our
school, even whole dynasties of teachers have worked and
continue to work. Many of them devoted their lives to the
prosperity not only of the school, but also of the village.
They take an active part in her cultural life.



The leader of the Tanrykulov
school for more than 40 years
is a kind and sympathetic
person, an excellent teacher
Zaripova Farkhinur
Akhmetdinovna. She has
done a lot and is doing so that
our school is always the best.
Farhinur Akhmetdinovna is a
well-deserved teacher of
Russia, she has a great life
experience, a first-class
organizer. For many years of
her work, she managed a lot,
and most importantly brought up more than one
generation of students who
do not forget her, love and
appreciate her.


The village is visited by people who
devoted many years to the
prosperity of the village. One such
person is Galina Grigoryevna
Melnikova. She worked for more
than 25 years as a paramedic, the
head of the district hospital now on
a well-deserved rest. The hospital
in which she worked was founded
around 1927. In her there were such
departments as surgery,
gynecology, dental office, trachoma
department, etc. On the territory of
the hospital there was a garden and
a garden. After the next shift, the
hospital workers prepared
firewood. The patients slept on
straw mattresses. For a long time,
the district physician, the
renowned surgeon Gennady Ilyich
Poluveshkin, headed the district


In our village, more recently, there
was a rich state farm "Victory",
which had its fields, gardens and
vegetable gardens, livestock farms.
People worked day and night
tirelessly. Entire dynasties of
families worked here. In animal
husbandry for more than 25 years
Karimova worked Galima
Zhiganshinovna, who worked as
the chief veterinarian and is now
on a well-deserved rest. She is a
veteran of labor. He has many
letters of thanks and letters. To
date, two joint-stock companies
"Gaitovskoye" and "Zarya" have
been established on the territory of
the state farm. The workers of
these societies are engaged in
farming and animal husbandry.


Each of us should love and
remember the sights of his village. I am
very proud of my village and the people
who live here. Thanks to them our
village lives, the history of our life.


Photo from personal archive Melnikova G.G.
Photo from personal archive Ibraeva R.V.
Photos of monuments of nature documents
"Tanrykulovskoe marsh" provided Tanrykulovsky
village council.
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