Категория: ГеографияГеография

Coat Aksubaevsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation

1. Aksubaevo.

Coat the language of symbols and allegories reflects
the cultural, historical and economic characteristics of
the area.
Three silver dove wings adjoining and surrounding
the sun symbolizes the peaceful and harmonious
coexistence of three peoples in the district: Chuvash,
Tatar and Russian. Silver - a symbol of purity,
perfection, peace and understanding.
Golden Sun shows Aksubayevsky District as a unique
land rich in tradition, whose inhabitants preserve the
memory of their ancestors and take care of the
Sun - a traditional symbol of fertility, the truth,
selflessness, glory.
The symbolism of the three multi-valued fields
- Symbolize the direction of the district's economy:
oil, hleborobstvo, animal husbandry;
- Fields show the different seasons, and based on its
annual agricultural cycle; thus emphasizing the
direction of the area of ​agricultural production.
Gold - a symbol of the harvest, wealth, stability,
respect and intelligence.
Scarlet - a symbol of courage, strength, labor, beauty.
Azure - a symbol of honor, nobility, spirituality.
Green color - a symbol of nature, health, life growth


• Coat Aksubaevsky
municipal district of the
Republic of Tatarstan of
the Russian Federation .
The coat of arms approved
by the decision number 20
of the representative body
of the municipal district
Aksubaevsky December
20, 2005 . [ 1 ] Coat
submitted to the State
Heraldic Register of the
Russian Federation under
the registration number
2171 in the State Heraldic
Register of the Republic of
Tatarstan under the
number 24 .


• Coat Aksubaevsky municipal district of the
Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation
. The coat of arms approved by the decision
number 20 of the representative body of the
municipal district Aksubaevsky December 20,
2005 . [ 1 ] Coat submitted to the State Heraldic
Register of the Russian Federation under the
registration number 2171 in the State Heraldic
Register of the Republic of Tatarstan under the
number 24 .
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