10 facts about Australian English
1 fact: Shorten words
2 facts: Welcome
3 fact: Bye-bye
4 fact: No problems
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

10 facts about Australian English

1. 10 facts about Australian English

2. 1 fact: Shorten words

Barbie = barbecue
Arvo = afternoon
Footy = football
Sunnies = sunglasses
Мore than 5000 abbreviations

3. 2 facts: Welcome

How are you?
How are you going?

4. 3 fact: Bye-bye

Also the most popular way to say goodbye in Australia is :
«see you»

5. 4 fact: No problems

No worries
No problem;
Everything is fine;
All is well….
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