
Australian English


Prepared by Druzhinina Asya


AuE is short from Australian English.
AuE exemplifies the mutual influence
exerted upon language and society. It
is not only a unique manner of
speaking, even from other English
dialects, but also an entirely distinct
manner of individual and social

3. Australian Language

Australian English is a bit different from
other countries that use English as an
everyday speech. Australians have their
own styles and characters in using the
language, vocabulary, pronunciation and
accent. In addition, they have their own
slang words when they speak in their
groups, and women and men also have
their language as well.

4. Australians have their own special words and phrases called strine. It consists of

words and phrases which have different
meanings from other English
words that the Australians have either
made up theirselves
borrowed words from Aborigine Language
or from slang used by early settlers .

5. History of appearing Australia English

There are some most important factors
formed AuE
Cockney influence
New Zealand influence
Irish influence
American Influence
Aboriginal influence

6. Irish influences

Replacing worlds
Where is me hat?
"good on you"
"good onya"

7. American influence

American influence is evident in such
words as caucus (in politics), sedan (BrE
saloon), station wagon (BrE estate car),
truck (BrE lorry), high school (BrE
secondary school)

8. Aboriginal influence

Aboriginal English were made by
Aboriginal people by bringing into British
English accents, words, grammar and
ways of speaking from their Aboriginal
languages and those of their parents.

9. Phonology

The vowels of AuE
short vowels
long vowels


Yod-coalescence is a process that changes the clusters [dj],
[tj], [sj] and [zj] into [dʒ], [tʃ], [ʃ] and [ʒ] respectively:
educate → /’ɛdʒu:keɪt/
nature → /’neɪtʃər/
measure → /’mɛʒər/
pressure → /’prɛʃər/
Yod-coalescence in stressed syllables occurs in Australian,
Cockney, and New Zealand English resulting in :
dew → /’dʒu:/
tune → /’tʃu:n/
resume → /rə’ʒu:m/
assume → /ə’ʃu:m/


t, d and s in the combinations tr, dr and sr ( loan
words only) have also changed into /dʒ/, /ʃ/ and
tree /tʃɹᵊi:/
draw /dʒɹɔː/
Sri Lanka /ʃɹi'læŋkə/.


Intervocalic /nt/ in fast speech can be
realised as [n]
winter = winner
nineteen = nineen
ninety = niny
Say in Australian

13. Vocabulary

Australian English has many words that some
consider unique to the language.
outback = remote, sparsely populated area
But many words used frequently by country
Australians are, or were, also used in all or part
of England, with variations in meaning.
creek in Australia means a stream or small
river, whereas in the UK it means a small
watercourse flowing into the sea.

14. Spelling

Australian spelling is usually the same as British
spelling, with only a few exceptions. The
Macquarie Dictionary is generally used by
publishers, schools, universities and
governments as the standard spelling reference.
Well-known differences to British spelling
program is more common than programme
jail is prevalent, gaol is generally still used in
official contexts

15. General Australian Pronunciation

There are three main varieties of
Australian English:
*Broad AuE is more likely to be
encountered when travelling further away
from the capital cities.
*General AuE is used by the majority
of Australians and it dominates the
accents found in contemporary
Australian-made films and television
*Cultivated is very close to Received

16. Regional variation

There are many regional variations for
describing social classes or subcultures. The
best example is probably bogan (fairly
universal), which is also referred to as bevan in
Queensland and booner in the ACT
Many regional variations are as a result of the
Australian passion for sport and the differences
in non-linguistic traditions from one state to

17. Rhyming slang

A common feature of traditional
Australian English was rhyming slang,
based on Cockney rhyming slang and
imported by migrants from London
"Captain Cook" rhymes with "look" “to
have a captain cook" = “to have a
captain" = “to have a look".

18. Diminutives

Australian English makes far more frequent use of
diminutives than other varieties of English. They can be
used to indicate familiarity, although in many speech
communities the diminutive form is more common than
the original word or phrase.
Examples with different ending
-o arvo (afternoon), doco (documentary)
-ie barbie (barbecue), bikkie (biscuit), brekkie (breakfast)
-za Kazza (Karen), Jezza (Jeremy)

19. Sample Text in Australian English

I got up and put on my black daks. They are the most exy piece of
my clobber as they’re my Dad’s last Chrissie prezzie. My Dad’s a
bonzer bloke and I like him most of all my rellies. That’s cos I’ve got
no Mum and my brother’s a bloody bludger and an ignorant ocker.
We’ve never been matey with each other and I often get aggro with
I had a nana and a sanger for brekkie and then took my ankle biters
to the kindie. In the arvo I talked to my nibs about our new Kiwi bizzo
partners, and I had a snag and a durry during the smoko. In the evo
I dropped in to the shop to buy some tucker and grog for the barbie
we’ll have on Sunday. It’s London to a brick that no one will bring
anything, we’ve agreed it would be a BYO party though.
I had a chook, some vedgies and amber for tea and then Shazza
lobbed in. She looked beaut and in full feather, so she earbashed all
night long. In the end I had to walk her to her unit, cos my car had
gone cactus. When I was back I felt a bit crook, so I hit the sack right

20. Video examples

How To Do An Australian Accent
Examples of Australian Accent
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