London sights
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London sights

1. London sights

2. Big Ben

It is believed that the bell was named big Ben (Big Ben) in
honor of sir Benjamin Hall, the curator of the construction
work. According to another version, it is named in honor of
Benjamin count., popular boxer in the heavyweight division.
The official name until September 2012 was the "Clock
tower of Westminster Palace", in the press it is often called
the Tower of St. Stephen's By the decision of the British
Parliament renamed the Elizabeth Tower in honor of the
60th anniversary of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II.
The tower was built by English architect Augustus Pugin in
the Gothic revival style in 1859, the tower clock started on
31 may 1859.
The height of the tower, including the spire — 96.3 meters.
The lower part of the clock mechanism is located at a height
of 55 meters.
Watch:Total weight clockwork — 5 tons.
The dial diameter is 7 meters.
The length of the arrows is 2.7 and 4.2 meters

3. Westminster Abbey

Church. Peter at Westminster and the Church
of St Margaret's aged severely in the Gothic
style. Several centuries have gone into a
masterpiece of architectural thought became
so now. Slim, elegant tower, rising up,
striking in its elegance combined with
austerity. Internal lace arches make you
forget about the fact that they are made of
stone by human hands. In the Abbey
beautiful stained glass Windows, many
sculptures are stored jewelry, unique
tapestries, works of art, works on. The main
Anglican Church is closely connected with
the Royal court. There was almost all of the
coronation of the British monarchs, starting
with 1066г. Abbey keeps a history of all
England, was buried here the nation — from
kings to scientists and poets

4. London eye

Ferris wheel on the Thames is able to raise
the 135 meter height at the same time 800
people. It was christened the London eye,
because here the whole city at a glance, and
you can see for 40 km around. Each capsule
weighs 10 tons, is equipped with a seat,
cinema 4D. The creators have equipped
wheel unique lighting, and night light show
will bring you many pleasant moments.

5. tower bridge

The bridge was commissioned in 1894. The
opening ceremony was attended by Prince
Edward of Wales and his wife. Advanced
design for the time allowed to build a bridge
in just 1 minute. Inside towers in addition to
the stairs, held the elevators. It gave people
the opportunity to cross the Thames even
while passing ships. Currently in the galleries
of the bridge opened the exposition
dedicated to the history of the bridge, the
towers you can explore the Victorian room,
down in the engine room of the bridge and
look at the hoists. Tower bridge itself is a
great observation deck. From here you can
make great shots. It is very beautiful at night
in lights lights.

6. Trafalgar square

In the center of the square is 40 m column of
General Nelson. Around her are a cast of
lions and fountains. On the sides the square
has 4 pedestal. Three are placed the statues
of the great men of England. The fourth
pedestal for the first time began to use only
in 2005. The New year here set the main tree
of the country, which is always sent in
gratitude to the Norwegians for help during
the Second world war. Until recently,
Trafalgar square was called the square of
pigeons. There was up to 35 thousand birds.
Due to the fact that cleaning the square has
become a big problem, the city authorities
officially banned to feed and bait the
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