Word level(Biology)
Language skills(Chemistry)
Sentence level(Physics)
Text level(Physics)
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Learning outcomes



2. Word level(Biology)

-We are learning to name organs of the
Respiratory system by comparing,
differentiating, classifying them into 3 groups
using Relative clauses and there is/are…
We are learning to point our ribs by using words
which relate to the structure of the
c) by demonsrating,producing and distinguishing
using demonstrative pronouns and adverbs.

3. Language skills(Chemistry)

We are learning to compare the results of sodium
experiment with golden rain experiment by
analyzing,explaining and infering using numerals
and Past Perfect.
We are learning to modify elements in the nucleus by
subdividing,categorizing and calculating the number
of protons using Zero Conditional and modal
E.g:If an iron atom loses 3 electrons,it becomes an ion
with a +3 charge
Many non-metals can gain electrons

4. Sentence level(Physics)

We are learning to describe the difference
between potential and kinetic energy by
comparing,contrasting and experimenting
using Present Continuous and Passive Voice.
E.g:The difference between both energies and the
conversion of one another is explained by the
falling of rock.

5. Text level(Physics)

We are learning to create a model of solar system by
designing,discovering and identifying different planets
using Comparatives and Relative Clauses.
E.g: Giant planets are more massive than the terrestrials
All planets have almost circular orbits that lie within a
nearly flat disc.
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