Похожие презентации:
Анализ речей 44-ого Президента США Барака Обамы в период предвыборных кампаний 2008 и 2012 годов
1. Анализ речей 44ого Президента США Барака Обамы в период предвыборных кампаний 2008 и 2012 гг.
Выполнилист. гр. 17магПЛ
Васильева Светлана
Жиганова Анастасия
Иванова Ольга
Клинова Ксения
Федоровцева Анастасия
2. Educational system
Важность работы
This is not only morally unacceptable for
our children; it is economically untenable
for our nation. And it means that today,
the work you do and the difference you
make has never been more important to
the future of this country.
When it comes to giving every child a
world-class education so they can
compete in this global economy for the
jobs of the 21st century, the choice is not
between more money and more reform because our schools need both.
образования в
We now live in a world where the most
valuable skill you can sell is knowledge.
In the 21st century, countries who outeducate us today will out-compete us
tomorrow, and America is already in
danger of falling behind.
We now have one of the highest high
school dropout rates of any industrialized
nation. By 12th grade, our children score
lower on their math and science tests than
most other kids in the developed world.
Sixty percent of African-American fourth
graders are unable to read at a basic
level, and today only 9% of low-income
students will graduate from college.
Новое поколение
We know that we have more than one
million teachers who are set to retire and
more kids entering school than ever
before, and so we know that it's time to
recruit a new generation of teachers and
As President, I will invest:
• in early childhood education,
• recruit an army of new teachers,
• pay them more, and give them more
But I will also demand higher standards
and more accountability from our
teachers and our schools.
3. Educational system
Don't tell us that you'll put high-quality
teachers in every classroom and then leave
the support and the pay for those
teachers behind.
Let's do this by finally raising salaries
across the board…
… we should be willing to help you pay off
some of those college loans.
… we will reward that work with the
salary increase that you deserve.
(Бонусы за классное руководство, успех
необходимых предметов)
поддержка со
There's a lot of talk out there about
accountability in education. < … > But I
also believe that before we can hold our
teachers accountable for the results our
schools need, we have to hold ourselves
accountable for giving teachers the
support that they need. That's where
accountability starts with a government…
4. Educational system
Образование и
Today, the average salary of a high school
graduate is only $33,000 a year. For high
school dropouts, it's even closer to the
poverty line - just $25,000 a year.
This is not only morally unacceptable for
our children; it is economically untenable
for our nation.
Governor Romney says hiring more
teachers won't grow the economy over
the next 4 years. What about our kids
over the next 4 years? What about our
economy over the next 40 years? We
cannot gut education to pay for $5
trillion tax cuts. We need to recruit
100,000 new math and science teachers
and provide 2 million workers the
opportunity to study at community
colleges and lower tuition costs for our
young people.
We also know that right now, we need the
best teachers in the most challenging
underachieving schools in parts of rural
and urban America where we need to make
"these kids" "our kids" again.
The "These Kids Syndrome" - the
willingness of society to find a million
excuses for why "these kids" can't learn.
It's the idea that "these kids come from
tough backgrounds" or that "these kids are
too far behind."
образования для
ого класса
In fact, new evidence shows that from the
moment our children step into a classroom,
the single most important factor in
determining their achievement is not the
color of their skin or where they come
from; it's not who their parents are or
how much money they have. It's who their
teacher is. It's you.
5. Medicine
When it comes to health care, we don't
have to choose between a governmentrun health care system and the
unaffordable one we have now. If you
already have health insurance, the
only thing that will change under my
plan is that we will lower premiums. If
you don't have health insurance you'll
be able to get the same kind of health
insurance that Members of Congress get
for themselves.
We passed health care reform, a.k.a.
company can't jerk you around
anymore and those of you under 26
can stay on your parent's plan. If you—
you can't have insurance companies
barring you because you've got a
preexisting condition, and they can't
charge more just because you're a
The Unemployment rateУвеличение
числа рабочих
мест -> падение
When it comes to jobs, the choice in this
election is not between putting up a wall
around America or allowing every job to
disappear overseas. The truth is, we won't
be able to bring back every job that
we've lost, but that doesn't mean we
should follow John McCain's plan to keep
giving tax breaks to corporations that send
American jobs overseas and promoting
unfair trade agreements.
Today, 4 years after the worst economic
crisis of our lifetimes, we are moving
forward. After losing 800,000 jobs the
month I was sworn in, our businesses
have now added more than 5 million new
jobs over the past 2½ years. The
unemployment rate has fallen from a
peak of 10 percent down to 7.8 percent,
the lowest level since I took office. So
more Americans are getting jobs, and
manufacturing is coming back. Home
values are on the rise.
расходов увеличить финансирование
на строительство инфраструктуры,
увеличение числа рабочих мест
I want to use the money that we're saving
from ending the wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan to pay down our deficit, put
our people back to work rebuilding roads
and bridges and schools all across
7. The Unemployment rate
Созданиерабочих мест на
Америки, а не за
ее пределами
That's why we need to stop rewarding
companies that ship jobs overseas.
Start rewarding companies that
create jobs right here in Miami, right
here in Florida, right here in the
United States. That's the choice you
face in this election.