Problems of GTO standards in school.
Problems of GTO standards in school.
Problems of GTO standards in school.
Problems of GTO standards in school.
Problems of GTO standards in school.
Problems of GTO standards in school.
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Problems of GTO standards in school

1. Problems of GTO standards in school.

Malygin E.A.
7211 M group

2. Problems of GTO standards in school.

• The history of the
development of the GTO
complex begins soon after the
Great October Revolution. The
enthusiasm of Soviet people
and their desire for new things
manifested itself in all
spheres: in culture, labor,
science and sport. In the
history of developing new
methods and forms of physical
education, the Komsomol
played the main role.

3. Problems of GTO standards in school.

• He initiated the creation of the AllUnion Complex "Ready for Labor
and Defense". After the collapse of
the Soviet Union in 1991, the
program was forgotten. But, as it
turned out, the history of the origin
and development of the GTO
complex did not end there.

4. Problems of GTO standards in school.

• But, as it turned out, the history of the origin and
development of the GTO complex did not end there.
The revival occurred in March 2014, when the
corresponding decree issued by the President of the
Russian Federation.

5. Problems of GTO standards in school.

• What is the problem of GTO in school? Let's start with the fact that
modern children are not interested in doing physical training both at
school and outside school, yet this is due to the fact that there is not
enough motivation to get a "some" badge or 1-5 balls for admission
to higher education, provided that the student will go to a higher
educational institution, just here plays a role that not all schools have
a well-equipped hall for a physical education lesson, and there is no
place for a cross. As a teacher of physical culture, I encounter the fact
that parents give the child to the section, but there is no desire to be
engaged, and after two weeks in this section the child gives up the

6. Problems of GTO standards in school.

• I think that in order for the children to want to pass the GTO
standards, they need to be motivated properly.

7. Thank you for attention.

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