Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

My famaly


My famaly
Usmonova Nigina, 015


• Let me introduce
myself. My name is
Niggina. My full name
is Niggina Dil’shodovna
Usmonova. I am not yet
18. At the moment I am
a first-year student at
the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
Teacher training
college. I have a big
family. ❤


• My parent are not old at
all. My mother's name is
Rano. She is 41 years
old. My father’s name is
Dillshod. He is 42 years
old. My mom is
housewife. She is
deliciously prepares.
My dad is a driver. He
likes to watch films.


Sisters and brother
• I have got two younger
sisters and younger brother.
My younger sister’s name is
Zebo, she is 13 years old.
Her dream is to become a
cook. My sister, whose
name is Farangis, is ten
years my younger. She is 7
years old. My younger
brother name is Damir. He
is 4 years old. His dream is
to become a firefighter.



My pets
• I have more pets. My
dog name is John. It is
guard the house.
Besides, I have 4 cats.
They name are Kivi,
Balu, Ashera and Mimi.
I very love cats. We also
have hamster. Pet name
is Sonya. Every time
my cousin visit me, she
is shocked by their


Thank you for attention
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