What are you look like?

What are you look like

1. What are you look like?

2. Don’t mix up these two questions!

• What do you look like?
• What does he/she look like?
• We ask about a person’s appearance.
• What is she/he like?
• What are you like?
• We ask about a person’s character.

3. Word box

Trustworthy- надёжный

4. Word box

• to chatter (сплетничать),
• to call names
to tease
• to quarrel (ссориться),
• to fight (драться),
• quiet (тихий),
• to argue (спорить).
• sociable (общительный)
honest (честный),
• lazy (ленивый),
• shy (застенчивый),
• polite (вежливый),
• bossy (заносчивый),
• talkative (болтливый),
• greedy (жадный).
• selfish (эгоистичный),
generous (щедрый),

5. Lexical activities Mach the characteristics with their opposites

1 careful
2 clever
3 fair
4 kind
5 tidy
6 polite
a) unfair
b) unkind
c) untidy
d) careless
e) silly
f) impolite

6. Match these characteristics with the correct definitions.

1 talkative
2 bossy
a) Likes to be around
b) Talks a lot
3 polite
c) Likes to give orders
4 lazy
d) Has good manners
5 sociable
e) doesn’t like working


I quarreled with my brother,
I don't know what about.
One thing led to another
And somehow we fell out.
The start of it was slight
The end of it was strong,
He said that he was right,
I know that he was wrong!
We hated one another
The afternoon turned black
Then suddenly my brother
Thumped me on the back,
And said, "Oh, come along!
We can't go on, all right I was in the wrong!"
So he was in the right!

8. .

1 busy
a lion
2 crazy
3 fast
a jaguar
a bee
4 happy
5 scared
6 silly
7 slow
a pig in mud
a goose
a turtle
a giraffe
8 tall
9 cute
a mouse
a church
10 quiet
11 shy
12 wise
an owl
a rabbit


Of all the girls that are so smart
There's none like pretty Sally.
She is the darling of my heart,
And she lives in our alley.
There is no lady in the land
Who is so sweet as Sally;
She is the darling of my heart,
And she lives in our alley.
(by Henry Carey, Michael Knight)
Can you write a poem? Who would you write about?
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