Private school in the USA

Private school in the USA

1. Private school in the USA

Student: Gazitdinov Timur
10 A


Secondary education received in America,
is the key to a successful admission to
most American universities.


The system of secondary education in the
United States is represented by public and
private schools. Last make up just over
10% of the total number of educational


According the US Department of
Education, that private schools offer
students the best knowledge of the exact
sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry,
biology), and foreign languages.


In contrast to the
government, in
private schools,
children learn in a
few classes - 10-15
people. In such a
close environment
teacher can fully
devote sufficient
attention to each


Despite the relatively greater freedom of
choice, there are a number of compulsory
subjects - mathematics, natural sciences,
social sciences, computer literacy and
English language. Other items the student
chooses their own based on the scope of
his interests.


Physical education is also included in
compulsory subjects, however, high school
students do not simply "exercise" but to
any particular sport.


After school, students take the exam SAT, which comes in two stages. First SAT I - includes verbal and mathematical
part. The second, more advanced and
complex - SAT II - check the knowledge
of the three elective subjects from the list.
For admission to most colleges require
submission of SAT I, but the most
prestigious colleges prefer SAT II.
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