Категория: МедицинаМедицина

Chromotherapy is a non-invasive method of treatment of light and color

1. Сhromotherapy


Chromotherapy is a non-invasive method of
treatment of light and color.
Chromotherapy is a natural way of


Method of color therapy is
based on the fact that light as
electromagnetic radiation
penetrates the tissues and
carries energy. Chromotherapy
has no counterindication.
is an action of
light and colors. Every colour
hue has special properties and
has a stimulative effect on the
nervous system. Red has a
stimulating effect, orange is
the color of revitalizing effect,
yellow - calming effect, green
- relaxing effect.


Treatment of sounds and flavors
had been known for a long time.
Treatment with effects of light
and color - chromotherapy - has
been used recently, due to a lack
of scientific knowledge about the
impact of colour and light
towards the human.
All colors have its radiation that
carries certain information. The
impact of the particular color on a
certain internal organ human may
be curative.
Chromotherapy normalizes the
activity of internal organs and has
a great influence on them.


the first time the chromo-therapy was
included in acrylic whirlpool baths at the
end of the 1990s and since then it has
become more and more popular.


Chromotherapy is widely
used in cosmetology and
actively encouraged by
leading cosmetologists of
the world.
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