Pneumatic devices 
The next example of pneumatic automation

Pneumatic devices

1. Video

Demonstrating how we integrate pneumatic
automation components to achieve
productivity gains. This example shows
product being ejected from a conveyor line
and the initiation of a secondary process.

2. Mission

• the set of devices for the construction of automatic control s
ystems in which the information is represented by the press
or discharge of a gas, usually air (pneumatic signals); the br
anch of engineering that studies this form of automation.
Pneumatic automation uses devices for collecting informati
on (transducers with pneumatic output, pneumatic limit andt
ravel switches, and so on), for conversion and storage of inf
ormation (pneumatic controllers, optimizers, analog comput
erdevices, and relay systems), for data display (indicating a
nd recording devices and display units), and for conversion
finalcontrol elements).

3. Pneumatic devices 

Pneumatic devices
• for the stabilization of a single parameter have be
come the most common in solving automationpro
blems. Such devices combine a transducer, a mast
er device (setter), a controller, and the indicating a
that is, all the instruments that make up a singleloop control circuit. However, in machine buildin
g simplediscrete automation systems have often b
een constructed by combining limit and travel typ
es of pneumatic switches anddistributors for pneu
matic actuating mechanisms in a relay system.

4. The next example of pneumatic automation

• Video-2
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