Teaching profession. Advantages and disadvantages of the job

Teaching profession. Advantages and disadvantages of the job

1. Teaching profession. Advantages and disadvantages of the job

2. Teaching is a profession that teaches all the other professions.

3. Teaching is a very noble profession .

4. Teachers teach others by sharing their knowledge. The more you share the more you learn.

5. A good teacher must have many qualities: to be creative, hard -working, able to solve problems and make the right decisions.

A good teacher must have many
qualities: to be creative, hard working, able to solve problems
and make the right decisions.

6. Some advantages of being a teacher

7. 1)Constant communication with people

8. 2)You should love children.

9. 3)Feeling of fulfillment.

10. 4)Rewarding job.

11. 5) You get an experience and become wiser.

12. Some disadvantages of being a teacher

13. 1)Constant stresses.

14. 2)It is important to be patient.

15. 3) Tiresome job.

16. 4)Be ready for constant questions from your students.

17. 5) Salaries are not always high

18. 6)Working with a big audience.

19. Thank you for your attention!

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