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My ideal teacher



An Ideal Teacher


An ideal teacher should have many
qualities. A student remembers such a
teacher for long. The effect of his
personality on students lasts long. An
ideal teacher is the one who is loved and
respected by every student. He must try
to win the hearts of all students. He
should try to establish a kind of
relationship and bond between the
hearts and minds of himself and the


5. My ideal teacher

My ideal teacher name is Gulzhaina, surname is
She is from Kyzylorda
She was born 1990 in the 27 September
My teacher very pozitive and beautifull ,educated
She graduated with Honors from the Kazakh
University of international relations and world
languages named after Abylai Khan a red
diplom! And now she’s work in London
She taught me in life to achieve goals and learn
only excelent marks.

6. My ideal teacher

7. I am grateful to my teacher for what she gave me to understand life and gave to understand that in life you have to strive


8. An Ideal teacher should be a scholar!!

He must have the knowledge of the
subject he teaches in the class. He
should teach the subjects in a interesting
way. He should be able to make the
students really interested in their subject.
An ideal teacher should express well,
should have a good voice and must have
love for teaching. The students should
feel that their minds are growing under
his teaching. An ideal teacher deals with
the subject well. He makes his subject
interesting too.


An ideal teacher is the one
who makes his students
think and enhances their
creativity. He not only
passes information to them
but also develops love for
learning. He activates the
minds of his students. He
teaches them how to think
and grow logical power. He
brings into play the hidden
mental powers of students.
He must be a man of ideas.
He should explain things in
a scholarly and interesting


The teacher should teach the pupil to live a
tension-free life by thinking in a right direction. A
dedicated teacher is an invaluable asset of a nation.
A teacher, in a way, is a sculptor. A pupil,
in a way, is an uncut stone. The stone has to be
chiseled a number of time by the teacher by using
different types of tools.Take every pupil as an
uneducated individual. To make an uneducated
individual an educated, a teacher has to attempt
a lot.

11. Teacher should be the:


The ideal teacher helps to
master the subject !
Perfect teacher modifies children
in a better way !

13. The ideal teacher makes learning interesting


A great teacher is one a student
remembers and cherishes for ever.
Teacher have long lasting impacts on
the lives of other students toward
greatness. To be successful, a great
teacher must have

15. Thank you for your attention!!!

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