Social Security Policy in modern Russia
History of the development of social security
Essential features of the social security
The social security in Russia
My opinion
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Social Security Policy in modern Russia

1. Social Security Policy in modern Russia

Matveeva Valeria 1308

2. Contents

History of the development of social security
Essential features of the social security
The social security in Russia
My opinion

3. History of the development of social security

• Formation of social assistance occurred in the
context of social, economic and historical
development of society.
• In connection with the development of
capitalism, more than ever, has become a matter
of social injustice.
• The task of social security - human socialization
and its formation as a person who lives according
to the laws and receives in return comfort.

4. Essential features of the social security

• State the nature of the society established
organizational and legal ways of redistribution
through the welfare system.
• Determination of the state social security
standards, social risks, as well as social groups
that need social protection.
• Upholding the principles of all the above
social security.

5. The social security in Russia

• In Russia throughout its history, the state
social welfare of citizens.
• At the moment, there are numerous public
and budgetary organizations whose activities
are aimed at providing social welfare of
different social strata.

6. My opinion

• I think that our country has enough force is
applied to Social Security. This results in
inadequate funding of special organizations,
imperfect legislation and incorrect assessment
of social risks.
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