Human skeleton


Made by: Nazar Kostiuk


The biggest bone in the body is the femur in the thigh and
the smallest is the stapes bone in the middle ear. Several
factors contribute to the bone density and average mass of
the human skeleton including; gender, race, hormonal
factors, nutrition, physical activity and lifestyle behaviors.
Because of these and other factors affecting an individual's
weight the human skeleton may comprise between 12 and
20 percent of a person's total body weight with the average
being 15 percent.
Fused bones include those of the pelvis and the cranium.
Not all bones are interconnected directly: there are three
bones in each middle ear called the ossicles that articulate
only with each other. The hyoid bone, which is located in the
neck and serves as the point of attachment for the tongue,
does not articulate with any other bones in the body, being
supported by muscles and ligaments.


There are over 206 bones in the adult
human skeleton, a number which
varies between individuals and with
age – newborn babies have over 270
bones some of which fuse together
into a longitudinal axis, the axial
skeleton, to which the appendicular
skeleton is attached.


It has six functions:
Blood cell production
Endocrine regulation


There are many differences between the
male and female human skeletons. Most
prominent is the difference in the pelvis,
owing to characteristics required for the
processes of childbirth. The shape of a
female pelvis is flatter, more rounded
and proportionally larger to allow the
head of a fetus to pass. A male's pelvis
is about 90 degrees or less of angle,
whereas a woman's is 100 degrees or


Components: (neurocranium)
Occipital bone
Two temporal bones
Two parietal bones
Sphenoid bone
Ethmoid bone
Frontal bone


Components: (viscerocranium)
Two conchae
Two nasal bones
Palatine bone
2 zygomatic bones
2 lacrimal bones



Appendicular – Аппендикулярный
Longitudinal – Продольний
Pelvis - Таз
Prominent – Видний
Fetus – Плід
Occipital bone – Потилична кістка
Temporal bone – Скронева кістка
Parietal bone – Тімяна кістка
Sphenoid bone – Клиноподібна кістка
Ethmoid bone – Решітчата кістка
Vomer – Сошник
Conchae – Раковина
Maxilla – Верхня щелепа
Mandible – Нижня щелепа
Palatine bone – Піднебінна кістка
Zygomatic bone – Вилична кістка
Lacrimal bone – Слізна кістка
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