Famous people
Agatha Cristie
Agatha Cristie is a famous writer
William Shakespare
He is a famous English playwriter
Daniel Defo was a writer
Queen Elizabeth the II
She is a queen of the U.K.
Josef Turner was a painter
Charlie Chaplin
Charlie Chaplin is a famous actor
He played in a lot of films
Albert Einstein is a scientist
Margaret Thatcher
She was a famous politician
She was the Prime Minister of the U.K.
Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык

Famous people

1. Famous people

2. Agatha Cristie

3. Agatha Cristie is a famous writer

4. William Shakespare

5. He is a famous English playwriter

6. Daniel Defo was a writer

7. Queen Elizabeth the II


9. She is a queen of the U.K.


11. Josef Turner was a painter

12. Charlie Chaplin

13. Charlie Chaplin is a famous actor

14. He played in a lot of films




18. Albert Einstein is a scientist


20. Margaret Thatcher

21. She was a famous politician

22. She was the Prime Minister of the U.K.

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