Категория: Английский языкАнглийский язык


1. TheKateClapp

Performed:Kabanova Anastasia 7 «V»

2. Familiarity

Kate Clapp real name is Yekaterina
Trofimova; b. May 19, 1993, Moscow —
Russian videobloger. Takes and publishes
various videos, be it sketches, music parodies
or conversational video. Her video projects
are in the top 10 of the most profitable in
July 2016 has more than 1.5 million
subscribers on his main channel —
FoggyDisaster" and over 4.5 million on the
second channel — TheKateClapp".

3. Biography

Katy was born and raised in Moscow, graduated from secondary
school No. 1122. Later entered the Institute of contemporary art on
the Director, but in the first year, took the documents, he realized that
it wasn't her. Started its activities in 2009 under the pseudonym Kate
Clapp. For three years she managed to collect nearly 250,000
subscribers and over 33.5 million Views on YouTube. Its role is in
various online shows. Starred in commercials on television. Arrange a
meeting with their fans in different cities of Russia.
In March, and in November in 2014, and in March 2015 Catherine
was on the cover of Elle girl.
Took part in recording the Russian version of the HR portal code.
In 2016, took second place (after Natalia Polonskaya) in ranking the
most beautiful women of the country according to "Russian reporter".
Was invited as the stars at the ceremony "Muz-TV" together with Stas
Davydov were invited by Ivan Urgant on the debut release of his own
video blog where the host asked guests to rate their initiative with the
positions already achieved popularity in this genre.
In the spring of 2016 Catherine is the Russian segment of YouTube on
the summit of "the Creator" in the city of new York, which gathered
the best help from around the world. Also in 2016, took off his
personal category on the Disney channel in the program "style rules".
Interviews with her were shown on TV channels the first, Russia 1,
Moscow 24, Muz-TV, etc.

4. Kate Clapp - Empress YouTube

First of all, Kate lost 12 pounds and changed her hair color,
repainted from black to blonde. Though the style of dress
Katya not to mention one word, she is always different, but
it's safe to say that lately he has become more feminine. But
she still likes to wear ripped jeans, sneakers and, most
important, the backpacks and POM-poms.
Kate Clapp today know all boys and girls and
this is not surprising, because the girl already
five years takes a video of a humorous character,
vlogs and simple tips. For all time of its channels
on YouTube has garnered nearly six million
subscribers.In addition, last year the girl decided
to diversify their activities and started to
participate in various projects. She managed to
make it to the podium as a model, to star in the
mini-series, participate in radio and television
broadcasts and to interview international stars
and to visit different countries. But she does not
stop, it continues to evolve and confident strides
towards his dream.

5. Kate′s plans.

"The most important thing now is that
my perfume Foggy, which I did from
creating the scent to the bottle design.
We will promote it. And I want to
(and soon will) make a movie: write
the script and remove" - says Kate.

6. Thanks for watching

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