Moscow Kremlin

Moscow kremlin. The armoury chamber

1. Moscow Kremlin

The Armoury Chamber

2. The Armoury Chamber

• The Armoury Chamber - Moscow treasurehouse - is part of the Grand Kremlin Palace.
It is located in a building constructed in
1851 by architect Konstantin Ton.
• The museum collections were for centuries
kept in the royal treasury and the
Patriarch's vestry precious objects, made in
the workshops of the Kremlin, and received
a gift from foreign embassies. The museum
was named one of the oldest Kremlin's
treasury stores.

3. The Armoury Chamber on Ancient Rus

• Weapon the order (originally known as The Armoury Chamber) was
first mentioned in 1547 only as a weapons store in the Moscow
Kremlin. (This store seems to have had weapons production
workshops and banners). With the 1560s finally enters the use of
the name "The Armoury Chamber"

4. Building

• Armory formerly known as Great
Treasury. Since the days of the
reign of Ivan III the treasury
were stored in the building
between the Archangel and the
Annunciation Cathedral of the
Moscow Kremlin. Building stateowned yard was under pyramidal
stone roof, with two windows on
the palace square. The building
existed before the fire in 1737.

5. Workshops

The predecessor of the workshops of
the Armory Chamber was a workshop of
Ivan the Terrible. In the 2 nd floor. XVII
century Armory became the center of
all-Russian fine art in the walls of a
united artistic force that existed before
that in Russia only in the form of
separate local art schools and trends.
Various artistic techniques "melted"
here in a single all-Russian national art.
Due to the growing diversity of orders
within the Armory created a number of
different part-time art workshops.

6. In the Russian empire, XVIII century

• By decree of Peter I Workshop Armory was
formed. Headed Workshop Senate. Workshop
Armory was instructed to store the value and
to manage the Moscow Palace and parishes.
• By decree of the Senate in 1732 was supposed
to transfer in the workshop all the vintage of
curious things from different colleges. Decree
1738 required to transmit only in the workshop
and the most outlandish of curious things, and
the other to sell.
• During a fire in 1737 burned the Kremlin The
Armoury Chamber. She died of the trophies
(including the Swedish banners taken at the
Battle of Poltava) and weapons. The royal
treasury in the fire is not affected.
After the fire of breech yard was dismantled. Keep valuables in it were
transferred to the mansions of the Terem Palace.
• For storage built a special gallery. Conducted ceremonial parades.
With 1766 on 1768 Osipov artist made drawings of the royal regalia and
interesting things.
• In 1806, Alexander I ordered to construct a building on the Senate
Square for a workshop Armory. The building was constructed from 1806
to 1812. The building had no heating (as a measure of fire) and it was

7. In the Russian Empire, XIX century

In 1849, the Moscow office of the palace began construction of a new
building of the Armory on the site of the former Stables Office. The
leading architect was the construction of KA Ton; Architects NI
Chichagov, VA Bakarev and Architectural Assistants PA Gerasimov, MA
Trubnikov, and IP Gorski engaged in the development of the interiors
and the individual parts of the building. The building is at a high base,
and the contours of the outer repeats outlines Stables Office. The
upper floor of the Armory is decorated in the spirit of architecture of
the end of the XVII century white stone with carved pillars and window
frames with little weights suspended; the ground floor is decorated
with pilasters. The walls are decorated with marble medallions with
images of Russian princes and kings of the sculptor Fedot Shubin,
which he performed in the years 1774-1775 for Chesma palace. Cast
iron grill between the Armory and the Grand Kremlin Palace, made the
project Ivan L. Mironovskiy, established in 1840.

8. Museum

• In the Armoury collection presents unique works of Russian goldsmiths and
silversmiths XII - the beginning of XX century, the collection of Western European art
silver XIII - XIX centuries, monuments, weapons mastery XII-XIX centuries, military
decorations Russia, luxurious precious fabrics, Old Russian secular and ecclesiastical
clothing, ceremonial dress XVIII-XX centuries, the state regalia, ceremonial horse
trappings and a rare collection of ancient crews XVI-XVIII centuries. The museum
Monomakh, Helmet - erihonskaya cap, as well as many other rarities.
• The museum features over four thousand monuments of arts and crafts of Russia,
Europe and the East IV - beginning of XX century. The highest artistic level and
particular historical and cultural value brought to the Moscow Kremlin Armoury world

9. Artifacts

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