Похожие презентации:
Litigation and arbitration in Great Britain
1. Litigation and arbitration in Great Britain
2. legal proceedings
1. filing a claim in court2. the direction of the petition by the plaintiff
3. preparation of the case for trial
4. preliminary hearing
5.preparation of the case for consideration at
the hearing
6. the trial
7. decision in the case
3. Parties:
District judge
4. Sources:
Кудрявцева Е.В. Гражданскоесудопроизводство Англии. М.:
Издательский дом "Городец", 2008. С. 109.
Sime S.A. Practical Approach to Civil
Procedure. L., 1977. P. 14.
Кудрявцева Е.В. Гражданское
судопроизводство Англии. М.:
Издательский дом "Городец", 2008. С. 36.