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1. Sunstroke.

1. Definition.
A sunstroke is a painful condition, an upset of the brain
due to intense or prolonged exposure to sunlight on the
surface of the head.
2. Symptoms.
Sunstroke is accompanied by headache, lethargy,
vomiting, fever (sometimes above 40 ° C), pulse, breathing,
convulsions, agitation and other symptoms. In severe cases
- coma and even death. Symptoms of overheating are
aggravated when the humidity of the environment
3. Causes.
In consequence of direct sunlight on the body for a long
time and the absence of a headdress.
4. Prevention.
To avoid sunstroke, in hot sunny weather, it is
recommended to wear light headwear made from light
material, which is more reflective of sunlight and the same
clothes that do not interfere with evaporation. It will be
useful to reduce the load and make more frequent breaks
during work and when traveling under sunlight. It is
important to avoid overflowing the stomach and drinking
alcohol; A preventive measure is a plentiful introduction of
a liquid - 9-15 liters per day.
5. Help.
The victim must be transferred to the shade, make a cold
compress, use wet wraps, etc. In severe cases - artificial
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