Похожие презентации:
1. Seascape.
Seascape (fr. Mariniste, from Lat. Marinus - Marine),a term denoting the artist, the writer of the marina.
Marina (fr. Marine, Italian. Marina, from Lat. Marinus
- sea) - a genre of fine art depicting marine
species. It is a kind of landscape.
2. Bright representative of this genre was Ivan Aivazovsky, who wrote approx. 6000 paintings on the marine theme.
3. France has the official title of the artist's Navy, attributable to a Minister of Defence outstanding marine painter. The title
can be awarded not onlyartists, but also photographers, illustrators, engravers
and sculptors.
One of these artists was Aivazovsky and his painting"The Ninth Wave".
"The Ninth avWe" - one of the most famouspaintings by Russian marine painter Ivan
The painter depicts the sea after the
strongest storm of the night and people
shipwrecked. The sun's rays illuminate the
huge waves. The biggest of them, the ninth
wave is ready to attack the people trying to
survive on the ruins of the tower.
Despite the fact that the ship was destroyed
and there was only the mast, the mast
people were alive and continued struggling
with the storm. The painter depicts the sea
in the warm and beautiful tones. We
penetrates deep into the dramatic situation
and appeals to the visitors of his exhibition.
He tries to involve our fantasy what could
happen to the people. As far as I’m able to
judge has a tremendous influence on the
people, I’m quite impressed with his paintys.